The American Civil War The Bloodiest And -

The American Civil War The Bloodiest And - thought differently

Social Studies. Mauricio Lamb. Answers 1. Kenneth Faulkner 2 July, 0. Antietam was fought on September 17, and it was the Battle that proved to be the bloodiest day in American history. Know the Answer? The American Civil War The Bloodiest And

The American Civil War The Bloodiest And Video

The American Civil War - OverSimplified (Part 1)

The American Civil War, waged from tois remembered on this date. Before and during this military conflict, the American North and South differed greatly on economic issues. The war was about slavery, but primarily about its economic consequence s.

The American Civil War The Bloodiest And

The northern elite wanted economic expansion that would change the southern slave-holding way of life. The southern states saw Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party making enormous changes to their way of life using free slave labor. Southerners believed that Abraham Lincoln, if elected, would restrict their rights to own slaves. When Lincoln became president 11 southern states seceded rather than to give up their economic system and their way of life.

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Lincoln and the North opposed the South's withdrawal. The president steadfastly maintained throughout the war that the secession was illegal and that the newly formed Confederate States of America was not valid as a new nation. Both sides knew that the financial advantages of slavery not the moral position were in conflict between them. Slavery translated into money for the southern region. Lincoln had hoped that the secession would end without conflict.

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The North held many advantages Vsdgvfyhb the South during the Civil War. Its population was several times that of the South, a potential source for military enlistees and civilian manpower. The South lacked the substantial number of factories and industries of the North that produced needed war materials. The North had Adn better transportation network, mainly highways, canals, and railroads, which could be easily used to re-supply military forces in the field.

The American Civil War The Bloodiest And

At sea, the Union navy was more capable and dominant, while the army was better trained and better supplied. The rest of the world also recognized the United States as a legitimate government, allowing U. The South had fewer advantages, but among them that the South fought on its home terrain.

The South also had a military tradition that encouraged young men to serve in the armed forces or attend a military school; many had served the U. In addition, the South had the leadership of great commanders, including Robert E. LeeJoseph Johnston, and "Stonewall" Jackson. To defeat the South, the North had to achieve several goals: 1. Secure Control of the Mississippi River to allow unimpeded movement of needed Western goods; 2.

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Cut off the South from international traders and smugglers that could aid the Southern war effort; 3. Take the Confederate army out of action to prevent further northward attacks such as that at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and to ease the battle losses of the North; 4. Stop the South's ability to produce needed goods and war materials. The South had to counter these measures with its own plans to capitalize on early victories, weakening the Northern resolve to fight; to get international recognition as a sovereign state; and to keep Union forces from seizing Confederate territory. The South did not accomplish its goals, and after Civll four years of fighting, the North won the war.]

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