Symptoms And Treatment Of Ayurveda -

Symptoms And Treatment Of Ayurveda

Symptoms And Treatment Of Ayurveda Video

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Acute kidney infection is a common health ailment in which your kidneys suddenly stop functioning. Your fist-sized kidneys play a crucial role in getting rid of harmful waste products that are a complex of chemical toxins, pollutants, and other contaminants that are produced in our blood from the food we eat. These chemical toxins are required to be drawn outside from the blood as if your blood left unfiltered can lead to some serious health complications like high blood pressure, heart disease, brain tumor, and stroke. There are several factors that are responsible for developing acute kidney failure in India. So the symptoms are hard to get noticed at the beginning. Symptoms And Treatment Of Ayurveda

Women who are in the age group of 12 to 45 find themselves more Symptoms And Treatment Of Ayurveda to PCOD. It is a condition related to hormonal imbalance in women. PCOD leads to issues related to the menstruation cycle or periods, causing irregular period patterns, among others. If a woman has severe PCOD, she may also face issues related to pregnancy. In this condition, multiple small cysts get Ayurevda in the ovaries of a woman. Thus, it leads to an increased size of the ovary, which produces an excessive amount of hormones such as estrogen and androgen.

Symptoms And Treatment Of Ayurveda

This hormonal imbalance leads to various issues in the body. PCOD is caused by the imbalance of hormones like androgen and estrogen. In general, ovaries create female sex hormones and a small amount of male sex hormones known as androgens.

Symptoms And Treatment Of Ayurveda

But in PCOD, ovaries start creating excessive androgens, leading to visible changes in the body, such as facial hair growth. Treatmentt also leads to issues in the process of ovulation. It is a process in which one or more eggs are released during the menstrual cycle. These eggs are present in sac-like structures known as follicles in ovaries.

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Hence it is named Polycystic Ovarian Disease. There are different PCOD symptoms. The most common PCOD symptoms are mentioned below:. Apart from allopathic treatment, there are also ayurvedic medicines for PCODwhich one can take.

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Ayurveda utilizes a holistic and safe approach to treat and manage PCOD. The main objective of PCOD ayurvedic treatment is to find the root cause of the problem and to treat it at the root level. PCOD Ayurvedic treatment aims to bring harmony and balance to the entire body. PCOD problem treatment in Ayurveda comprises some guidelines OOf tends to certain protocols.


These protocols are mentioned down below:. Panchakarma is the most effective detoxification process in Ayurveda. It has been proven that Panchakarma deals with the root cause of any disease. Cleansing of reproductive organs such as ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes and vagina is done. Emphasis is given on the Treatmet of hormones.

If we talk about some of the most critical procedures done in Panchakarma, then these are virechana therapeutic purgationUttar vasti uterovaginal enema and vasti colonic enema. When panchakarma is performed, certain herbs and other procedures are performed to balance the body. It leads to Symptoms And Treatment Of Ayurveda the reproductive system of a woman. Herbs used in Ayurveda are full of phytoestrogen which are known to reduce inflammation and insulin resistance quickly.]

Symptoms And Treatment Of Ayurveda

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