Strategic Management Aspects Of Operations Management -

Strategic Management Aspects Of Operations Management Strategic Management Aspects Of Operations Management.

For this SLP submission you will be asked to submit your fourth blog entry about another important aspect of the strategic management process and to provide examples based on current events pulled from recent articles from reputable sources such Mansgement a major national news source like the NY Times, Business Week, etc. Recall that the main article s for each of your blog entries be. If you use an older article as your primary focal article, you will be asked to redo the assignment.

Strategic Management Aspects Of Operations Management

You may, of course, use older sources to support your discussion but the article serving as the main focus of your paper must be continue reading. This final blog entry will be related to your case assignment in that it will deal with Comcast. For this assignment consider the short news article related to Verizon by Albanesius and the Nakashima article that discusses a deal made between Disney and the Dish Network.

The articles deal with plans to provide video content on mobile devices and on home televisions in an manner. As you know, Cable companies tend to bundle programming to cause customers to want to buy more premium packages to accommodate their home entertainment desires.

Strategic Management Aspects Of Operations Management

The players in the industry have been avoiding the approach to programming in order to cause customers to pay more through the bundling strategy. Your assignment will be to present to your blog reading audience an argument as to whether you believe that Comcast is strategically poised to compete with upcoming changes in the environment related to providing approach Sttrategic programming. What should large cable companies like Comcast be doing now so as not to go the way of Kodak?

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Make sure you provide at least two very recent articles to support your key points no older than 4 months old. Your SLP assignment should be a minimum of pages in length. Task-Writers is a licensed Academic Writing Service created to offer academic help to students from all parts of the world. Our writing services are unique and offer more than just a piece of assignment.

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Strategic Management Aspects Of Operations Management

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