Secularism In The Renaissance -

Secularism In The Renaissance

Secularism In The Renaissance - there

History , Answers: 1. Answer from: merunikitty Another question on History. How did the house of wisdom contribute to social developments during the golden age. In , the fight over who gets to choose bishops was between pope gregory vii and king henry the iv. Secularism In The Renaissance. Secularism In The Renaissance

My latest at PJ Media :. No, not any of the Christian Churches. For them, although few realize or will Rnaissance it, Donald Trump, the famous playboy womanizer, is the most pro-Christian President in recent memory. He need not be burned at the stake, but by whatever means, he Renaiszance be destroyed. Although most people in visit web page United States today still identify themselves as Christians, the dominant religion of those who have dominated the political arena, Secularism In The Renaissance the establishment media, and set the cultural tone for the nation is not Christianity, but Leftism.

Leftism is a religion without a being who is identified as god as such, except insofar as the atomized individual is exalted to deity status and its every whim canonized as tantamount to divine writ, but it is as rigidly dogmatic, as fervently held, and as fanatically divorced from rationality as the worst and most destructive religious manifestations in human history.

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It is also extremely influential and all-pervasive. Every President since Franklin D. Roosevelt, with two notable exceptions, has held to this religion to varying degrees, and in some way paid obeisance to its gods and made offerings at its altars.

Secularism In The Renaissance

There is much more. Read the rest here. True, as expressed by Robert Spencer. But the main problem in our time is that truth is a casualty of the many forces against it, among them being Islam, the Left and traditional authoritarians like those who run China.

The Godless Left denies Renaissancs there is one Secularism In The Renaissance. Very important concept most ignore. It may be they simplistically believe humanity is perfectible to any one of their theoretical utopias.

Freedom Of Religion Benjamin Franklin Summary

Secularism In The Renaissance so? These and other statements strongly influenced the development of the Christian world. It is true that over the centuries popes have tried to dominate kings and kings have tried to dominate popes. But there remained always an at least latent sense that there were to be two distinct realms, even if people were often mistaken or confused about where exactly the boundary properly should be drawn, if drawn at all.

Secularism In Turkey

But the two-realms notion, along with other elements of Judeo-Christian culture, helped bring it about that European society could progress and evolve, such that we eventually arrived at the European Enlightenment and thence to the First Amendment of the US Constitution, which legally codified the two-realms idea. It seems worth mentioning also that while one can blame the Wars of Religion on Christians, one cannot blame those wars on Christianity. The Wars of Religion involved political forces and kings seeking to abuse Christianity by turning it into a means to Secularism In The Renaissance or enhance their own state power. The teachings of Jesus do not permit imposing Christianity via state compulsion. So the Christians who tried to do that were in effect heretics, not Christians. Constitution had not been proposed by the US Congress and ratified by the States….

An internet scanning computer would be sending a notice to the Ministry of Truth to bring you in for re-educaton. Maybe, just maybe, the Renaissance was essentially the result of the re-introduction to Western Civilization of Greek Paganism?

Secularism In The Renaissance

The rediscovery and re-introduction to the West of Aristotle? I must, so to speak, give the angels their due. But notice a crucial point: this Christian idea, by itself, was historically impotent. It did nothing to unshackle the serfs or stay the Inquisition or turn the Puritan elders into Thomas Jeffersons. Only when the religious approach lost its power — only when the idea of individual value was able to break free from its Christian context and become integrated into a rational, secular philosophy — only then did this kind of idea bear practical fruit. What — or who — ended the Middle Ages?

Reason, he said in opposition to Augustine, does not rest Secularism In The Renaissance faith; it is a self-contained, natural faculty, which works on sense experience.]

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