Reflection On The History Of America -

Reflection On The History Of America - consider, that

Remember me. Carter G. Courtesy article from Col. George R. Though no single article can adequately cover African-American history justly, there are few areas that can rival the vast participation of African-Americans in war. African-Americans came to the aid of their country every time it called. From the foundations of independence to the sands of Iraq, African-American Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Guardians have demonstrated they too have a fierce love of country and a stubborn fortitude to succeed in battle. Reflection On The History Of America

During Black History Month, we honor the courage and resilience Amwrica so many Black and African American leaders, known and unknown, who have vocalized their pain, protested injustice, fought, and toiled for an equal seat at the table — from Harriett Tubman, Barack Obama and Frederick Douglas to Rosa Parks, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. These leaders and generations Black Americans have paved the way for present and future Black American leaders on the path toward justice, equity, and inclusion. History teaches us about the past.

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Accurate history serves as a curriculum for us to be thrilled and click here, amazed, and angry, inspired, and ashamed. History teaches us of the great feats of man and machine and teaches us of the great failings of man and machine. History teaches us about important figures, leaders, and activists whose actions and words challenged folks in their time to see injustices, to understand their collective pain, to recognize systemic racism, to demand better, and inspire us to walk ever closer to equity, peace Reflection On The History Of America justice in our time.

What we glean from the lessons of history and how we use them to grow and improve depends on us and our choices. If anything, this past year has shone a spotlight on how difficult, important, and continuous this moral walk is, for in the words of Dr. Reflecting on the historic moment on January 20,when Kamala Harris was inaugurated as the first Black and Indian American female Vice President of the United States of America, I celebrate those trailblazers and the leaders before her who helped make this historic day possible. Her voice Reflection On The History Of America and embodies the voices of many Black Americans before her and motivates us all to continually work to fulfill the dream of the Rev. While I cannot relate to the lived experiences, challenges, and heartache of my Black and African American friends and neighbors, I can do everything possible to learn, unlearn, and understand their version of our shared history and their stories of what it is like to be Black in America.


The story of the Black experience in America is a history steeped in injustice, oppression, and inequality, yet is also one of immense strength in the face of adversity, a deep sense of community, and profoundly hopeful faith. Due to the events of this past year, I have been dedicated to educating myself through reading many books, blogs, and articles and hearing the stories of my Black Rfelection, and local and national leaders. At the Chamber, I am Hiistory and thrilled to work under the direction of Ken James, our Director of Inclusion as we work to continue and expand our offerings in the Reflection On The History Of America space, and I look forward to bringing my Cultural Intelligence training to the team.

In principle and practice, the Grand Rapids Chamber believes in the value and power of diversity, equity, and inclusion. While not perfect and still humbly learning, I am committed to walking on the journey toward that more perfect union, for all.

Black Woman, Deborah Archer, Elected President of ACLU

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