President Reagan s Presidential Election - something also
One was Reagan's transformation from a fading film actor into the dominant political figure in the nation. The other was the rise of a powerful conservative movement that profited not only from Reagan's attractive personality but also from a decade of popular disenchantment with politics and government. Reagan's many successes as president owed much to his actor's instincts and much to the popular pessimism that he inherited and that his sunny temperament helped at least temporarily to dispel. The same factors contributed as well to the many shortcomings of his administration: its tendency to emphasize style over substance, its emphasis on short-term economic and political benefits at the price of long-term costs, and its insouciant refusal to acknowledge deep domestic and international problems that might undermine the hopeful picture of the world Reagan consistently presented. His presidency coincided with, and contributed to, a long period of dramatic economic growth and the beginning of a momentous change in international relations. But it failed to address, and in many ways intensified, a series of public dilemmas that had been developing for years before Reagan entered the White House and that continued to plague the nation for years after he left. Reagan's rise to eminence moved along a path that, in the beginning, resembled that of many other American politicians but that later diverged sharply from the norm. He was born on 6 February in the small town of Tampico, Illinois. His parents, Jack and Nelle, named him Ronald Wilson for a great-uncle but always called him Dutch after his father began referring to the strapping baby as his "fat little Dutchman". Jack Reagan was an unsuccessful salesman with a serious drinking problem.President Reagan s Presidential Election - with you
The correct answer to which techniques President Reagan uses in this excerpt of his speech, selecting three from the given options, is Pathos, Shift and Overstatement. Pathos is a technique in which the power of a situation described can cause pity or sadness because people feel sympathy. In this excerpt from Reagan's speech, he mentions America's 52 hostages and their fate in order to move people and cause sadness and sympathy in them. Shift is a narrative technique in which the speaker shifts time back and forth, from past to present and from present to future. During his speech, Reagan shifts from present to future. He talks about something that is happening now America's 52 hostages and about the concerns America has to debate now, that will make a difference in the future. He says that "A child born this year will begin his or her adult like in what will be the 21st century", therefore he shifts from present to future by using tenses in the present and in the future in the same sentence, and presenting his time's reality compared to the future's possible reality. Overstatement, or hyperbole, is a technique used to emphasize something by stating it too strongly or with exaggeration. In this excerpt of Reagan's speech, the overstatement can be observed when he talks about the hostages and says that "Like you, there is nothing I want more than their safe return", hence, Reagan uses exaggeration techniques to prove his point.Curiously: President Reagan s Presidential Election
President Reagan s Presidential Election | 798 |
President Reagan s Presidential Election Video
1984 Presidential Candidate Debate: President Reagan and Walter Mondale - 10/7/84Navigation menu
Ronald Reagan Republican. The United States presidential election was the 50th quadrennial presidential election.

It was held on Tuesday, November 6, In electoral votes, the final count was Reagan faced only token opposition in his bid for re-nomination by the Republicans, so he and Vice President Https:// H.
Bush were easily re-nominated. Mondale defeated activist Jesse Jackson and several other candidates in the Democratic primaries before eventually choosing U. Representative Geraldine Ferraro of New York as his running mate, the first woman to be on a major party's presidential ticket.

Reagan touted a strong economic recovery from the s stagflation and the —82 recessionas well as the widespread perception that his presidency had overseen a revival of national confidence and prestige. The Reagan campaign produced effective television advertising and deftly neutralized concerns regarding Reagan's age.
Shaping US policy on the Middle East
Mondale criticized Reagan's supply-side economic policies and budget deficits and he called for a nuclear freeze and ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment. Reagan won a landslide re-election victory, carrying 49 of the 50 states, making this the second election in the 20th century in which a party won 49 states.
Mondale won only his home state of Minnesota with a 0.

Roosevelt 's victory over Alf Landonin which he won His popular vote margin of victory—nearly Eisenhower to be re-elected while winning absolute popular vote majorities in both of his presidential campaigns. At the age of 73, Reagan was, at that point, the oldest person ever rPesidential president.]
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