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ADN VS BSN DEGREE Medical Marijuana has been an issue that
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When teachers, police officers, nurses, grocery store workers, food servers, and others are able to live close to where they work we can see benefits to the environment, local businesses, transportation infrastructure, and health care. Several studies have shown the connection between affordable housing, transportation, and economic development. The State of New Jersey conducted a Corporate Survey that suggested that housing plays a role in where businesses decide to locate, noting that a lack of affordable housing can put a local economy at a competitive disadvantage. Additionally, the New England Public Policy Center suggested that unaffordable housing is linked to slower employment growth. This undersupply has been forcing workers to seek affordable housing further and further from where they work, which in turn affects commute times and quality of life. Then what about someone who grew up in the City, went off to college, and now wants to live in the City they love? Should a senior who is living on a fixed income be able to afford to stay in the City? We know there are children growing up in the City school system who are in unstable housing situations, with the potential to seriously impact their educational outcomes. Can we also imagine the impact on their classmates? News Commentary On News Programs

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Senate Democrats voted yesterday to proceed with a Covid relief package without Republicans. Even though Democrats voted to pass their own bill through the budget reconciliation process it is estimated that they will take a month to hammer out the text and actually pass the desperately-needed relief.

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A recent study from UCSF found that line cooks are at the highest risk of dying from Covid, and restaurant and agricultural workers were twice as likely as other adults to die of Covid. Extending vaccine eligibility to restaurant workers is a necessary bare-minimum measure. Reports of racially unequal access to vaccines continue to be reported.

News Commentary On News Programs

Black and Latinx people are contracting and dying from Covid at higher rates than white people and face more practical obstacles to getting vaccinated, like transportation and ability to take time during the day to get Prograks vaccine. On Monday, Washington D. Tags: covidrestaurant workersRetail Workersstimuluspackageteachers unionsvaccine. Search for:.]

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