New Medical Findings From Anterior Cruciate Ligament -

New Medical Findings From Anterior Cruciate Ligament Video

Anterior Cruciate Ligament Surgery New Medical Findings From Anterior Cruciate Ligament New Medical Findings From Anterior Cruciate Ligament

Knee injuries can happen in active kids, especially athletes, and a torn anterior cruciate ligament ACL — a ligament that helps give the knee its stability — is one of the most serious types of knee injuries. Kids who get ACL injuries tend to play contact sports like football and basketball or so-called "cutting" sports like soccer and baseball that feature swift, abrupt movements such as pivoting, stopping, Cruckate turning on a dime.

The injury can also happen with certain movements, like when a child jumps and lands hard on his or her feet. Teenage girls are 2 to 10 times more likely than boys to tear an ACL. That's because girls have different risk factors that make ACL injuries more likely, such as body shape, limb alignment, neuromuscular control, and hormones that might loosen the ligament. ACL injuries can be very painful, especially during cutting and pivoting movements.

New Medical Findings From Anterior Cruciate Ligament

Depending on the age of the child and the severity of the injury, a torn ACL often benefits best from surgery as well as 6 to 12 months of rehabilitation. This treatment can help prevent a player from getting arthritis or further knee damage.

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The ACL is one of the four main ligaments in the knee joint that connect it to the shinbone tibia and thighbone femur. It is located deep within the joint, behind the kneecap patellaabove the shinbone, and below the thighbone. Together with the PCL posterior cruciate ligamentwhich crosses over it to form Findingd "X," the ACL helps keep the knee stable while rotating.

New Medical Findings From Anterior Cruciate Ligament

Specifically, the ACL keeps the shinbone in place and prevents it from moving too far forward and away from the knee and thighbone. It also provides stability when rotating the shinbone. Afterward, they may or may not have symptoms, depending on the severity of the injury. Most will have no problems with walking. But if they return to their sport, they may have some instability, feeling "wobbly" or unable to bear weight on the affected leg. Oftentimes there is pain, which can be very intense, and swelling of the knee joint, which can happen within 24 hours of the tear.


When the injury is happening, many kids report hearing a "pop" New Medical Findings From Anterior Cruciate Ligament — the sound of the shinbone popping out of and back into place. Others also report the knee feels "less tight" or less compact than it was before. A child who has injured a knee — whether out on the field or at home — should stop all activity to prevent further injury and seek immediate medical care. In the meantime, keep the area iced — place the ice in a plastic bag, wrap the bag continue reading a cloth, and hold it to the knee for up to 20 minutes at a time.

Also, keep the knee elevated as much as possible to reduce swelling. If putting weight on the knee is painful, a child should not bear weight on the knee. At the doctor's office or emergency room, doctors will perform physical exams and imaging tests to determine if there is a knee injury and, if so, how severe it is.

An MRIwhich images tissue like ligaments and musclescan confirm a partial or complete ACL tear so Anterjor doctors will order one to confirm a diagnosis. If a child is still growing, surgeons make sure not to touch the growth plates. Growth plates are the developing tissue on the ends of long bones, like the tibia and femur. Kids who are still growing have "open" growth plates, while those who have reached skeletal maturity have "closed" growth plates.

When a child stops growing, the growth plate hardens ossifies along with the rest of the bone. Girls tend Ligamsnt stop growing earlier than boys; their growth plates usually close around ages 14 to 15, while boys' growth plates close later, at around ages 16 to If a child has reached skeletal maturity, the surgeon will drill a small tunnel down through the femur to reach the inside of Anterikr knee joint.]

New Medical Findings From Anterior Cruciate Ligament

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