Lack Of Low Health Literacy -

Opinion: Lack Of Low Health Literacy

Lack Of Low Health Literacy 456
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TECHNOLOGY AS A TOOL FOR TECHNOLOGY 1 day ago · low health literacy as of the writing of this article evidence suggests that this assessment is best done by using appropriate assessment questions and looking for behavioral examines the health literacy crisis in the united states and provides techniques and suggestions for assessing and improving the health literacy of patients in health care. Health literacy and food deserts can affect all sectors of the population, but it is known that they both disproportionately affect underserved, low-income individuals. Health literacy is the ability to obtain, read, understand, and use health information in order to make appropriate health decisions and follow instructions for treatment. [81]. 6 days ago · Low health literacy is very common in the United States, often impacting older adults. As many as one-third of Medicare enrollees have a low-level of health literacy, and research indicates that this increases across-the-board health care costs by as much as 5% annually. “Elderly managed care enrollees may not have the literacy skills necessary to function adequately in the health care.

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Patients who have low levels of health literacy are more likely to seek intensive curative treatment at the end-of-life, as opposed to choosing hospice care. Health literacy is the degree to which individuals can obtain, process and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions, according to the Institute of Medicine. A health illiterate patient may have a strong overall ability to read or have an advanced education but have a limited understanding of information specific to health care. Patients who lack an understanding of health care information or terminology, do not understand their own illnesses, or who misconstrue the nature of hospice or palliative care may lack the necessary tools to make an informed decision about their end-of-life wishes. For the study, researchers conducted a retrospective analysis of nearly , Medicare fee-for-service decedents who died between July and Dec. For the purposes of this study, a score of or lower was defined as low health literacy. Patients in low health literacy areas were also much less likely to utilize hospice.

Health literacy HL is required for successful navigation of any complex health care system, and it is currently a public health problem. A large percentage of chronically mentally ill individuals have low HL. They are also at increased risk for hospital readmission and poor self-management skills. This study examined the HL of adult patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder, investigated the relationship between HL and psychiatric hospital readmission, and identified differences in readmission rates between HL groups. The study used an HL questionnaire at or near discharge, and 2- and 4-weeks postdischarge readmissions were tracked. HL strongly correlated with 2-week and total readmissions. The Lack Of Low Health Literacy support the feasibility of assessing HL further in this patient population, validate the procedure for subsequent studies, and provide preliminary data on the relationship between HL and readmission.

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The findings may also be useful for patient education, discharge planning, and policy making. Health literacy HL is required for successful navigation of any complex health care system. According to the U. The currency of the literature to contemporary society is limited, as can be noted by the number of citations in this manuscript over 10 years old. Despite the lack of current research on health literacy, patients' understanding of their health Lietracy is of even greater importance.

This study examined the functional health literacy of adult patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder and investigated the relationship between these patients' ability to comprehend, access, and use health information and psychiatric hospital readmissions. In a society with increasing diversity, the background of patients and providers is also more diverse. Patients report providers' bias and prejudice in their health care encounters Gonzalez et al.

Lack Of Low Health Literacy

Prioritization and implementation of a nursing-specific health literacy policy will result in patient empowerment, engagement, and activation; increased health care equity; and improved patient, population, organization, and system outcomes Loan et al. Despite its importance, nursing is slow to move HL to the forefront of its research agenda Sand-Jecklin et al. HL also entails the ability to negotiate complex health care systems, including reading, listening, analytical, and decision making skills, also described as Lack Of Low Health Literacy cognitionas well as the ability to apply these skills to health and illness situations The National Academy of Sciences, Each attribute in the HL definition represents Literay level of complexity and presents read article challenges for health care consumers, policy makers, and health services providers.

A large percentage of chronically mentally ill individuals e. Due to their often poor self-management skills, chronically mentally ill individuals are at an increased risk for hospital readmission Healtth et al. Estimates are based on the number of Americans projected to be infected with the COVID, including mental health case increases and exacerbation.

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The estimated cost for behavioral health alone has not been isolated given the ongoing course of the virus Fair Health, Mental illness has an enormous financial impact on Ljteracy the individual and on health care in general and more so in a pandemic. Hospital readmission in general has also earned attention due to the high associated costs.

Lack Of Low Health Literacy

This phenomenon absorbs an estimated one third of the total U. Approximately 35 million patients are discharged from U. Readmission occurs when a patient is discharged from one acute care hospital the index hospital and is then admitted to the Lacl or different within a specified period after the time of discharge from the index hospital. Thirty-day readmission has been identified by the CMS as resulting from inadequate inpatient care and as a driver of high health care costs.

Lack Of Low Health Literacy

Individuals with chronic mental illness are among the most common users of inpatient facilities according to the CMS The real issue with mental illness and hospital readmission is the overuse of services with no improvement in quality of life. According to The National Academy of Sciences Lacm, individuals with low HL are unable to understand instructions on prescription drug bottles, appointment slips, medical education brochures, doctors' directions, and consent forms. These inabilities subject them to noncompliance, comorbidities, and complicated treatments that affect quality of life, employment, and mortality.

Cloonan et al. Those with mental illness have more comorbidities than the general population and as reported previously, they die 25 years earlier than the general population Everett et al. Mental illness complicates the treatment of another illness AHA, The variables of comorbidity, low socioeconomic status, low educational attainment, and being a member of an ethnic minority seem to profile the chronically mentally ill and are the least likely to benefit from health interventions that Lack Of Low Health Literacy meant for the general population Behavioral Health, ; Everett et al. The sample for this study individuals diagnosed with bipolar disorder experience multiple relapses and poor cognitive states even in remission.]

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