Jesus Is The Name Of The Word - consider, what
M y name is Mark. If I move to Mexico my name does not become Marcos, it will always be Mark. Where did the name Jesus come from? This man, Jesus, the alleged word of God, the Bible, states that he was the Only begotten son of God. It seems to me, that if this were true that his name would be extremely important. So, even before any critical investigative inquiry of the Christian religion, the name Jesus is fraudulent from the start. According to the biblical account he was a Jew. He transcended his own religion. But he was no Christian and his name was not Jesus. Newer Post Older Post Home.Think, that: Jesus Is The Name Of The Word
The Human Language And Modern Language | 95 rows · Jesus (IPA: / ˈ dʒ iː z ə s /) is a masculine given name derived from the name Iēsous Pronunciation: /ˈdʒiːzəs/. 5 days ago · Jesus, this supposed all important figure in the history of Western civilization, and yet Jesus was not this man’s name in his native tongue. This man, Jesus, the alleged word of God, the Bible, states that he was the Only begotten son of God. It seems to me, that if this were true that his name would be extremely important. 4 days ago · Power and authority the way Jesus desires begin with His Word. The Scriptures are powerful and authoritative. The words of Scripture bring . |
EXAMPLE OF INVESTIGATORY PROJECT | 95 rows · Jesus (IPA: / ˈ dʒ iː z ə s /) is a masculine given name derived from the name Iēsous Pronunciation: /ˈdʒiːzəs/. 5 days ago · Jesus, this supposed all important figure in the history of Western civilization, and yet Jesus was not this man’s name in his native tongue. This man, Jesus, the alleged word of God, the Bible, states that he was the Only begotten son of God. It seems to me, that if this were true that his name would be extremely important. 4 days ago · Power and authority the way Jesus desires begin with His Word. The Scriptures are powerful and authoritative. The words of Scripture bring . |
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We serve a powerful God. I am amazed when I read the Scriptures of the power and authority of Jesus Christ as He served, healed, and cast out demons. I am astounded at His authority in teaching that challenged the religious leaders of His day. What is even more profound is that when Jesus ascended into Heaven, He gave His disciples that same power and authority that He had to do the works that He did, and even greater works John There is a story in the Gospel of Mark that speaks to the power and authority of Jesus.
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When the Sabbath day came, He went into the synagogue and began to teach. Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God! Even evil spirits obey His orders! Power and authority the way Jesus desires begin with His Word. The Scriptures are powerful and authoritative.

The words of Scripture bring life, convict our hearts, and bring about true correction and repentance. Here we see the power and authority of Jesus at work.

He is teaching in the synagogue and the people are amazed at what they hear. Then a man with an unclean spirit begins to speak to Him. Wait a minute, you mean a demon possessed person is in the synagogue?
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Unclean spirits can afflict many people, but it is the power and authority of Jesus that can cast them out. The power and authority of Jesus Nxme to draw out the sin and corruption of our souls and reveals the truth about the condition of our Wors. Today, the one with the unclean spirit represents the lives of many people, even those within the Church. The devil can wreak havoc in the lives of believers and non-believers causing broken lives filled with pain, addiction, and hurt. When the unclean spirit questions what Jesus will do with it, the spirit knows the power and authority Jesus has over it and how Jesus can set the person free. My question is, how many people saw that person with the unclean spirit on a weekly Jesus Is The Name Of The Word and turned a blind eye? How many saw the condition of his heart and did nothing? The name of Jesus and His Word carries power and authority.
When Jesus showed up, the unclean spirit had to leave. What about today? How many people are coming to churches burdened by unclean spirits?
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How many leave the same way? Is there evidence of the power and authority of Jesus in your church? I hope so. Jesus came to set the captives free and now He works through His people by the power of the Holy Spirit. If you are a Christ follower, you must start walking in the power and authority of Jesus. When the Body of Christ is operating as it should, it is a powerful force. Jesus has sent us out with the Great Commission, not the Great Suggestion. May you carry out your mission and bring glory and honor to His name. Facebook Twitter Email.]
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