Issues on Teenage Pregnancy -

Issues on Teenage Pregnancy Issues on Teenage Pregnancy. Issues on Teenage Pregnancy

Write a 8 pages paper on teenage pregnancy as one of the most disturbing issues. One of the main causes of teenage pregnancy is the lack of early education concerning various issues relating to sex and the use of contraceptives. Many parents fail in providing knowledge to their children on issues relating to early sex and its consequences. Moreover, the lack of parental supervision plays a significant role in contributing to Issues on Teenage Pregnancy occurrence of teenage pregnancies.

Parenthood support in young girls is of essential importance in making sure that they are safe from engaging in early sexual behaviors.

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High numbers of girls who get pregnant during their teenage ages fail to receive the recommended advice and information related to sexuality. Therefore, the lack of parental contribution in educating young girls is one of the main reasons that make them engage in sexual activities leading to early pregnancies. Another significant cause of teenage pregnancies is vices that emerge after socializing with friends and dating Issues on Teenage Pregnancy. Some of these vices include the use of drugs and alcohol abuse Castillo The use of these substances contributes to making most of the young girls engage in sexual activities where they get pregnant against their wishes.

Issues on Teenage Pregnancy

Most of the girls fail to control themselves when under the influence of substance abuse Castillo This is the main direct reason why most of the young girls find themselves Issues on Teenage Pregnancy in sexual activities without making any prior arrangements. Moreover, the use of alcohol increase the influence to engage in sexual activities and these may result to unwanted pregnancies. The media also plays a significant role in contributing to the occurrence of pregnancies among teenage girls Rathers Home Write a 8 pages paper on teenage pregnancy as one Issuea the most disturbing issues.

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Issues on Teenage Pregnancy

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