Internet Explorer is one of the most -

Internet Explorer is one of the most Internet Explorer is one of the most.

My site runs the twenty twenty one theme as well as the options for twenty twenty one plugin. Some content is set to normal width, some is set to wide width. In Firefox and Chromium, the site is displayed correctly with the content respecting the given width being normal or wide.

In Microsoft Edge and Microsoft Internet Explorer, the header as well as all content are always in full width and the site looks ugly.

Goodbye Internet Explorer

Unfortunately, i realized after setting up the site, that a large percentage of people in my professional field are using MS Internet Explorer or Edge. The page I need help with: [ log in to see the link]. IE11 is not compatible with CSS var variables and in order for the Twenty Twenty theme to be backwards compatible with this browser it uses a completely different stylesheet when it is detected. The additional CSS in in fact setting the correct header width so that the header items are aligning with the wide width. The blocks where I defined a wide block width are displayed correctly now.

However, all other block types that are using the default normal width, including the standard text blocks, as well as, other custom link styles such as the Code Syntax Block, are still in full width even though they should be less wide than the wide block type content. The responsive widths and margins are all entwined with the CSS variables and unpicking them to then produce an old school CSS version melts the brain a little. Hi Oliver, thank you so much, adding the custom CSS from both of your posts did it and solved the issue!

Internet Explorer is one of the most

To update this thread, we have updated the Options for Twenty Twenty-One plugin to reflect these modifications. Skip to content WordPress. Skip to content. Resolved splashtool splashtool 3 days, 6 hours ago. Does anyone have an idea or a helpful link on how to fix this? Viewing 6 click - 1 through 6 of 6 total.

Internet Explorer is one of the most

Oliver Campion domainsupport 3 days, 1 hour ago. This option makes use of the var --responsive--alignwide-width CSS variable. Hello and thank you very much for the explanation and reply!

Navigation menu

Any ideas on how to fix this? This reply was modified 2 days, 23 hours ago by splashtool. Oliver Campion domainsupport 2 days, 2 hours ago.]

Internet Explorer is one of the most

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