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Influence People Essay

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How does television/movies influence people's behavior? Influence People Essay

Why racism continues to affect the ways people interact with each other and what possible steps can be taken to lessen the effects of racist ideologies. Throughout history, race and racism have evolved and developed different meanings to suit their interpretations. Ann Morning alluded to this when she stated that the American Sociological Association defined race as a social invention that changes as political, economic, and historical Influennce changes Influence People Essay, pp.

This indicates that the definition of race is not based only on scientific construct but on whatever institutions dictated it to be at the time.

Influence People Essay

Racism or ethnic discrimination can be considered as a form Influence People Essay social Inflhence, unfair treatment and aggression. On the other hand, racism is also defined as directly perceived discriminatory interactions between individuals whether in their institutional roles or as public and private individuals Krieger, Both definitions of racism explain why it continues to affect the way people interact with each other.

Influence People Essay

Racism embodies selfishness, unfamiliarity, and stereotypes which includes different types of experiences such as segregation, discrimination to physical threat an aggression. However, through education on the causes and effects of racism, it may be eradicated. Firstly, because the concept of racism is constantly changing to suit the individual or the institution, people are blindsided to the full understanding and effects of Influence People Essay.

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Some even believe that racism no longer exists because of the ideology of fairness, equality and justice Lundgren, However, racism is an ongoing force that negatively impacts people daily. It stems from colonialization, where blacks were thought to be inferior to the whites. Smedley, Racism. Racism was a tool used to separate people by class, color and culture, just to name a few.

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Today, years later the devastating effects of racism can still be seen Influence People Essay the world. Additionally, one of the most common root of racism is unfamiliarity. When one Influence People Essay with people from their own race or color they rarely experience racism. However, when individuals interact with other races their negative predispositions are heightened. For example, colonialist invented race to magnify the differences between people of European origins and African descent.

People are inclined to fear what they do not understand. Hence, the categorizing of a race implanted in them dominate their perception. Conversely, stereotyping is among the root causes of racism across the world. The Peple stereotypes are representations of groups of certain ethnicity or race in a generalized manner, portraying all members to display certain typical characteristics.

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People knowingly or unknowingly are exposed to stereotypes: through education, commonly used sayings or comments and watching programs that contain racism. A frequent source of cynicism towards a race or group of people will eventually impact the opinions of those witnessing behaviors into believing that it is acceptable.

Influence People Essay

Stereotypes create prejudice which in term create discrimination. For this reason, it is imperative for people to socialize with different race from an early age to prevent stereotype. Furthermore, personal experiences are another common cause of racism. It is normal, even natural for someone to react in a certain way if they were offended by someone of another race. The abolition of slavery releases blacks from their bondage, creating the threat of social mixing, which was resolved Influence People Essay segregation Dirlik, The Jim Crow law was a clear example of how personal experiences shape perceptions which were embedded in the theory of separate but equal.

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This law effectively Inflkence blacks although slavery was abolished. It was perpetuated through a system of penal labor, with the intention of restricting movements. Personal experiences also stimulated the movements of rejecting this behavior. She enforced her position of not accepting prejudicial acts against her race. Finally, racism continues to affect the way people interact with each other through many forms of oppression and discrimination.]

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