Experiment On The Color Purple - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Experiment On The Color Purple - really

How should I slice my cabbage? We recommend using a knife to cut the cabbage into small pieces. The smaller the pieces, the greater their contact area with water, and the better your results will be! This can happen if you use cold or warm water. You need to use boiling water for this experiment! I forgot to put the filter paper in the funnel, or the filter paper I used failed. The cabbage slices fell into the flask. What should I do? Pour everything in the flask back into the beaker. Experiment On The Color Purple Experiment On The Color Purple

Experiment On The Color Purple - seems

Watch the magic happen with this Colour Changing Milk Experiment by mixing milk, food colouring and dish soap. The kids will want to do this experiment over and over again, it is just so fascinating to watch the swirling effects of colour. You will need milk near use by date , shallow dish, food colouring, cotton buds Q-tips and dish soap. Prepare the liquid dish soap in a small bowl, adding a small amount of water and mix with the end of the cotton bud. This photo was taken just after we placed the soap soaked cotton bud into the centre of the milk. It demonstrates how the coloured food dye disperses outwards to the side of the plate. The food colouring begins to swirl and move around the plate once the dish soap soaked cotton bud is added. It appears to work like magic and is fascinating to watch as the many shades of colours start forming, combining and also separating leaving the bright white of the milk. Milk is mainly made of water and the other big ingredient is usually fat not all milk has the same amount of fat.

Double or multiple exposure means two or more images are superimposed on the same photo. This is a small shooting technique and, with a little bit of planning, you can get amazing photos!

Group One: Robin x Color

This technique is suitable for photographers to develop their creativity and achieve unexpected, surreal effects. Recently, we invited eight Lomographers to participate in a double and multiple exposure experiment. They were randomly divided into two groups and used the Sprocket Rocket to shoot separately. After the first shot was completed, Phrple second relay was again shot on the original film to complete this double exposure experiment! The shooting environment Experiment On The Color Purple outdoor, and we both adhered to the principle and concept of "drifting activities" and did not communicate the content of the shooting in advance.

Color: I like this kind of activity! I was super excited at the beginning. There are more interesting unknowns in rafting activities than when you sweep the streets by yourself.

Experiment On The Color Purple

Moreover, the camera is light and convenient, and all colors are super cool. Although it is the first time I've used LomoChrome Purple, I feel that this film is very suitable for photography creation.

Group Two: Yixuan Ping x Kai

Robin: Sprocket Rocket is very suitable to see the wide and rich scenes in the city and take it with you. The exact distortion makes the picture lively and interesting. The randomness Experimdnt the re-exposure of the two cities and the parallel world is really charming. Some coincidences here the screen content very shocking.

Do this experiment at home

Also, LomoChrome Purple Film really created a dream world. Color: For my part, the whole shooting was quite smooth.

Experiment On The Color Purple

The thing that impressed me was that I took a set of twelve prohibited signs arranged neatly, and wanted to see how I could collide with my friends.]

One thought on “Experiment On The Color Purple

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