Ethical Collapse Of Barings Bank -

Ethical Collapse Of Barings Bank Ethical Collapse Of Barings Bank

A community is concerned about the threat of bioterrorism. Which of the following best describes the basis for this concern? Bioterrorism has the This threat could cause the health care system to collapse.


The threat of bioterrorism may divert funds from other public safety health care programs. Fear of bioterrorism will increase the need for shelters. ANS: C Bioterrorism may have an impact on the availability of resources for public safety health care programs. Because funds are diverted it is possible that community-based programs would be eliminated, the health care system could experience changes, and that there would be an increase in the need for shelter.

Ethical Collapse Of Barings Bank

However, all of these things would happen because of the diversion of funds. A nurse provides for the availability of essential personal health services for people who would otherwise not receive health care. Which of the public health core functions is being used?

Ethical Collapse Of Barings Bank

Assessment b. Prevention c.

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Assurance d. Prevention is not a core function, assessment refers to Collapee data collection, and policy development refers to the need to provide leadership in developing health policies. The nurse is investigating environmental health problems caused contaminated ground water.

Which of the following types of nursing practice is being used?

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Community-oriented b. Community-based c.

Ethical Collapse Of Barings Bank

Policy development d. Community-based nursing practice is a setting-specific practice whereby care is provided for clients and families where they live, work, and attend school.

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Policy development seeks to build constituencies that can help bring about change in public policy. Tertiary care focuses on highly specialized medical care. A nurse is examining the income levels and social networks of individuals in a community.]

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