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Drugs and the Young Generation of Papua

Drugs and the Young Generation of Papua Video

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Krispy Kreme Financial Analysis 23 hours ago · Monalisa Magoche is a 23 year old Zimbabwean social innovator and entrepreneur. She is passionate about health justice, harm reduction and drug policy reform for people who use drugs. Currently Monalisa Magoche is the Africa Committee Chairperson of Students For Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP). She also. Combating Drugs and Crime Coronavirus Countering Terrorism Cyber Issues Economic Prosperity and Trade Policy Energy Global Health Global Women's Issues Human Rights and Democracy Human Trafficking The Ocean and Polar Affairs Refugee and Humanitarian Assistance. Addiction is a biopsychosocial disorder characterized by repeated use of drugs, or repetitive engagement in a behavior such as gambling, despite harm to self and others. According to the "brain disease model of addiction," while a number of psychosocial factors contribute to the development and maintenance of addiction, a biological process that is induced by repeated exposure to an addictive Specialty: Psychiatry.
Drugs and the Young Generation of Papua Combating Drugs and Crime Coronavirus Countering Terrorism Cyber Issues Economic Prosperity and Trade Policy Energy Global Health Global Women's Issues Human Rights and Democracy Human Trafficking The Ocean and Polar Affairs Refugee and Humanitarian Assistance. 3 days ago · The purpose-driven professional was exposed to the realities of the world at a young age and as a way to cope with the hardships and tragedies that came his way, he engaged in numerous self-destructive behaviors, from using drugs and drinking to selling . 5 days ago · Bazoka Logo is one of the young Papuans born in the era of the s. This means that he can.
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Drugs and the Young Generation of Papua 304
Drugs and the Young Generation of Papua

Drugs and the Young Generation of Papua - good

Inarguably, people from all walks of life may one day find themselves at rock bottom as a result of a seemingly never-ending string of daunting life challenges. For some, especially those who have lost sight of a better future, comfort could be found in the company of their go-to drinks and this sense of solace provided by beer bottles has pushed millions of people worldwide into addiction. In recognition of the innumerable number of individuals in need of support and guidance away from their chosen substance, Kingdom Kratos Ministries has made it its mission to serve as a beacon of hope. This soon-to-be-established non-profit organization is the brainchild of Ricardo Gallegos, a Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach whose life journey provides a testament to the power of faith in helping people heal and recover. The purpose-driven professional was exposed to the realities of the world at a young age and as a way to cope with the hardships and tragedies that came his way, he engaged in numerous self-destructive behaviors, from using drugs and drinking to selling dope and driving recklessly in hopes of ending his life. Ricardo Gallegos fell victim to the allure of substances, but along the way, the Kingdom Kratos Ministries founder succeeded in climbing his way out of the pit he fell into thanks to his deep-seated belief in God. Since then, God raised me from being dead because of sin and freed me from being trapped in all my addictions. Drugs and the Young Generation of Papua

Monalisa Magoche is a 23 year old Zimbabwean social innovator and entrepreneur. She is passionate about health justice, harm reduction Gneration drug policy reform. She also founded SSDP Zimbabwe, a grassroots network of students and youths who are concerned about the impact drug use has on our communities, but who also know that the war on drugs is failing our generation and our society.

As part of her entrepreneurial passion, she has established a digital led online business SiyaSo online, a business startup which is aimed at providing a digital platform for formal and informal traders to showcase their products to a broader market online.

Bahati Buhendwa

She holds a Bachelors of Honors Degree in Accountancy at the University of Zimbabwe during which she acquired some of her Ppua skills when she was the Students Executive Council Secretary General. Her position provides her with the platform of supporting members across the world working to achieve this.

Drugs and the Young Generation of Papua

Established in Zimbabwe inStudents For Sensible Drug Policy SSDP Zimbabwe is a grassroots network of students and youths who are concerned about the impact drug use has on communities, but who also know that the war on drugs is failing the generation and society.

There is Pappua a lot of work to be done in ensuring that the organization gets registered at as many universities and colleges as possible. The aim is to ensure that students engage in constructive debates and quizzes as a way to empower them to navigate the complex choices regarding drugs and drug use.

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Monalisa has mobilized a group of student who use drugs, student leaders, peer educators, social workers and lectures to be part of the organization now has a team of up to 65 members. Their work has also been centered on providing the students and youths with educational information about drug use, drug policy reform and the harms inherent to drug use in Zimbabwe. Information dissemination has been done through social media campaigns, workshops, public lectures, webinars, Drugs and the Young Generation of Papua debates, partnerships with other organizations and tv awareness programs. On 26 June the global day of action SSDP Zimbabwe gathered a group of 74 participants that were taught about the topic harm reduction as a panacea to drug use associated harms.

The organization has provided educational information to students and youths at the University of Zimbabwe an Great Zimbabwe through networking with student leaders and other organizations Yougn works with students and youths at the universities.

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SSDP Zimbabwe is also taking advantage of a WhatsApp learning chat which is working as an open space for the group members to have tne discussions around drugs, drug use, harm reduction and drug policy reform in Zimbabwe. There was also two Tv programs that were held at the Zimbabwe Television network and the Herald Zimbabwe and the live sessions managed to reach over viewers. Age when individual first became involved in changemaking: Monalisa Magoche.

Drugs and the Young Generation of Papua

Connect with Monalisa. Students For Sensible Drug Policy. Alexandria Brady-Mine.]

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