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Diversity in Todays Society

Think: Diversity in Todays Society

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Diversity in Todays Society 3 days ago · Using material from Item A and elsewhere assess sociological explanations of the nature and extent of family diversity today. Family diversity means that there are many different types of family in society today not Just nuclear, cereal packet families. There are several different types of family within I-JK society. These include; nuclear, single parent, gay [ ]. 4 days ago · Identify a diversity situation or cultural dilemma that is prevalent in today’s society. Cultural Perspectives The goal of this assignment is to integrate cultural nuances, expectations, and perspectives into a final paper. 10 hours ago · Dear SSA Community:As a Society, we seek to do all we can to make science accessible to amazonia.fiocruz.br goal has inspired a new task force to address diversity and inclusion within our amazonia.fiocruz.brd by Aaron Velasco, professor of geological sciences and.
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Diversity in Todays Society. Diversity in Todays Society

Using material from Item A and elsewhere assess sociological explanations of the nature and extent of family diversity today. Family diversity means that there are many different types of family in society today not Just nuclear, cereal packet families.

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There are several different types of family within I-JK society. These include; nuclear, single parent, gay or lesbian, extended and reconstituted. That is, they see modern society as having a fairly fixed, clear-cut and predictable structure.

Diversity in Todays Society

Modernists are firmly opposed to family diversity. They hold the view that there is only one correct or normal family type. They see the traditional patriarchal nuclear family consisting of a married couple and their ependent children, with a clear labour division between the breadwinner husband and the home maker wife as correct. Tpdays

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He claims these functions contribute to the overall stability and effectiveness of society. Hence, other family types can be considered as abnormal, or even deviant, since they are less able to perform the functions required of the family.

Diversity in Todays Society

Feminist and postmodernist views would argue that modernist approaches ignore significant facts. They argue, Diveraity individual social actors, we make our own choices about family life and relationships, and we now have much greater choice about our personal relationships, and that has increased family diversity so much that we can no longer talk about a dominant type. There are many things in modern society that have lead to an increase in family diversity today.

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One of the main reasons for diversity is the divorce act introduced in meaning women can get a divorce if they feel it is necessary. Judith Stacey argues that greater choice as benefitted women and enabled them to free themselves from patriarchal oppression and to shape their family arrangements to suit their needs. Diversity in Todays Society act has lead to an increase in single parent families and singletons. The modernists would see this as having a negative effect on society as single parent families are ill equipped to bring up a well rounded individual who can make a positive contribution to society. Another piece of egislation that is helped increase family diversity is the civil partnerships act ]

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