Cultural diversity is defined as the cultural -

Cultural diversity is defined as the cultural Video

Cultural Diversity Presentation

Cultural diversity is defined as the cultural - with you

When examining elite performing organizations, the common thread is culture. Organizational culture is the primary driver of group success. Great companies consistently place culture as one of the most important focuses for energy, resources, and staff. Diversity would seem an easy goal but most organizations are ill-equipped to successfully develop a diverse workforce. Traditional efforts continue to yield inconsistent and unsustainable improvements, further generating a lack of ethnic variation. What is missing is a culture that produces diversity. He offers insight from his years in the industry and personal experience. Cultural diversity is defined as the cultural Cultural diversity is defined as the cultural

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Diversity of cultures has plagued mankind since the conflict of Cain against his brother; who in a fit of rage murdered Abel. Abel was a Cultutal of sheep; Cain a tiller of the ground. Both presented an offering to the Lord ; Abel's accepted by God, Cain's rejected because it was not given in accordance with that which was required of the Lord. Controversy came forth; resulting in the taking of a life, beginning a long history of human violence and man's inhumanity to his fellowman. There was a war waged between good and evil that started on that fateful day. God gave Cain an opportunity to give the offering, saying: If you do well, shall you not be accepted?

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And if you do not well sin lies at the door. Rejection of that offer ended in judgment. Scripture reveals: When you or Cain till the ground, it shall not henceforth yield to you her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shall you be in the earth Genesis There is a cultural drift today towards ungodliness that has not gone unnoticed by God! Scripture reveals: The Lord looks from heaven; he beholds all the sons of men. From the place of his habitation he looks upon all the inhabitants of the earth Cultudal Just as God took notice in the Pre-flood days of Noah and brought destruction on all the inhabitants of the earth, with the exception of Noah and his family, so He takes notice today.

Cultural diversity is defined as the cultural

And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart Cultjral Scripture reveals: God spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly 2 Peter Scripture reveals that God will no more destroy the earth with a flood, as the days of Noah, by placing the click here in the sky as a reminder of that promise!

Man has taken that same symbol of God's mercy and grace the colors of the rainbow as their standard to openly proclaim, without reservation or shame, their Sodom and Gomorrah activities! Diversity of cultures has opened the door for such ungodly activities to come into existence and with PRIDE boldly proclaim what is condemned in God's Word, without Cultural diversity is defined as the cultural or shame. No, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush; therefore they shall fall among them that fall : at the time that I visit or punish them they shall be defineed down, saith the Lord Jeremiah A Sunday school commentary noted: God, having power and authority to create, also has power and authority to destroy that which He creates.

This was shown by the Flood. When humans divetsity so evil, that every thought and imagination of the human mindand heart was only evil continually, God decided to destroy from the earth the humans He had created. To give life and take away life are both within God's authority.

Cultural diversity is defined as the cultural

This expounds on the fact that diversity of cultures can play a significant role in the response of God; in His time, even towards corrective measures being taken, or His judgment being unleashed. The term culture involves the knowledge and values shared by a society.

Acceptance Further Enhanced

The ungodliness of man is no longer hidden in the closet but proudly proclaimed by many renown individuals; often in positions of authority Cultural diversity is defined as the cultural further defimed their agenda. Another definition of culture is the attitudes and behavior that are shared by a particular social group. This does not remain in that social group alone; but is being programmed to its furtherance through educating the youth towards acceptance. Television programming, the Internet, and other forms of dissemination are being peppered with inducement towards acceptance. Another definition of culture is the act or means employed towards training, disciplining, and refining the moral nature of man ; with results of such being physical improvement, enlightenment, and discipline acquired by click and moral devined.

This Cultural diversity is defined as the cultural undertaken by reeducation meant to control the masses towards cultural changes enhanced by a controlling party. Diversity of cultures is downplayed to a single contributor, or ideal, rather than many; with the will of the people no longer a factor, as that of a puppet being controlled by a puppeteer. The Apostle Paul wrote: Mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which you have learned; and avoid them Romans Diversity of cultures; especially of an ungodly nature, is not a good thing; towards the one being swayed towards acceptance. The Apostle Paul did not want the truth to be undermined, marred, or impaired. There ia those today who would pervert the truth of the Gospel a social gospel to promote their own desired lifestyles, leaving out such terms as righteousness, holiness, and sanctification or being set apart unto God.

Apostle Paul said to mark them and avoid them!]

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