Civil Rights Movement Expansion Video
Civil Rights Movement ExpansionRelated Experiences
Bob Zellner, a trailblazing civil rights activist, is the grandson of Mpvement Alabama Klansman. Over 50 years later, Mr. There is so much nuanced relevance to Mr. This group, the torch that lit their fuse, was a college paper I got assigned to do with four of my friends.

A paper on race relations. A senior paper. Once the opening credits finally end, the film flashes back to the previous year. Young white and free with the world ahead of him, just as soon as he finishes his final group paper on race relations. Zellner decides he and his friends need to actually go and service at the Black church where Rev.
That one small action blows up in his face, and the university threatens to expel the boys just weeks before graduation.
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The KKK arrives at the University to set those five white boys straight. The temperature cools down.

Zellner brings his girlfriend Carol Ann Lucy Hale along. In the way too long Freedom Rider scene, not only does the audience witness Black women getting stomped in the street and punched in the face by white men, they get pulverized by white women using purses with bricks inside them as weapons.
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There was a time in American cinema where the portrayal of Black bodies being brutalized EExpansion white racists was shocking. When it comes to gender, frankly, the film got on my nerves. The writer-director Barry Alexander Brown constantly reiterates how hard it is for white people to act against the mob and recognize the humanity of Black people.

The beautiful thing about a biopic is that in less than two hours you can travel through a lifetime. Son of the South does not tell a nuanced story. The actors did the best they could with a mediocre script. BGN Staff. Sundance Review: 'Summer of Soul What's Your Reaction? In Love. Not Sure. Share 0. Pin 0. About BGN.]
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