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Censorship and Indecency in Media Video

Should social media be censored? Here's what both sides have to say Censorship and Indecency in Media

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Censorship and Indecency in Media

Pierre Kory, who was testifying on different drug treatment. So now these companies are going to censor what was told to the government and decide what viewers will be allowed to consider from the public debate.

The blog of Academe magazine

It is a continuation of the movement to prevent people from hearing opposing views and to control what is shared or discussed in a growing attack on free speech. It featured Kory who discussed the use of Ivermectin as a potential treatment for Covid, particularly in the early stages. Infecency is a drug that treats tropical diseases caused by parasites. Kory was calling for a review by National Institutes of Health on trials for the drug. For free speech advocates, the move is a raw example of corporate censorship but Democrats and many liberals applauded the action.

There is ample Censorship and Indecency in Media of people to challenge such testimony. However, many do not want to engage in a debate. They want to silence others and control what fellow citizens are allowed to consider.

Censorship and Indecency in Media

Those voices of censorship are only growing stronger in the United States. What is striking is how censorship, blacklists, and speech controls are being repackaged as righteous and virtuous. If we allow companies like YouTube to succeed in such speech controls, true free speech could become a quaint historical relic in the United States. Excerpt from Jonathan Turley.

Censorship and Indecency in Media

Photo Credit: Getty Images. Your email address will not be published. Notify me via e-mail if anyone answers my comment. Dear Heavenly Father, help us to continue to interact and share the truth.

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The wicked seek to silence those who speak the truth, and the seek to hide truth from those who seek it. Lord protect our children from their lies. Indeed Lord, protect us all from their fury and slander.

Gods of Heaven, oh how we are being silenced. God you are not surprised by this wicked acts. You open other ways and means for your word still goes out. We will not bow before any other. As your word says in Psalms So I will not be silent; I will sing praise to you. When I grew up, there was no such thing as internet or videos and all that! VCRs were pretty much unheard of until I was in my early 20s. Censorship and Indecency in Media yet people survived without all those items.]

One thought on “Censorship and Indecency in Media

  1. It is a pity, that now I can not express - it is very occupied. I will be released - I will necessarily express the opinion.

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