Bullying A Serious Social Problem Video
Bullying A Serious Social ProblemMichael B. Who is Jean Enersen?
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Bachelor Nation is no stranger to drama. It is reality TV, after all. After fainting at a rose ceremony and crashing a group date to which she was not invited, the year old San Diego native faced harsh criticism from her fellow contestants.
I truly believe that karma is going to catch up to these mean girls. One of the brand new contestants brought on the show, Brittany, was accused of being an escort by a fellow Chicago native.
Name calling, while reprehensible, has been a staple on the franchise since its inception. Igniting potentially life-ruining rumors on national television however, is another story.
One Twitter user put it particularly well:. If it is true, Anna outed a sex worker on national tv and potentially put her life in danger to be petty. Fans were not alone in their disapproval.
Email Sign Up. Where to Stream: The Bachelor. More On: The Bachelor. Share Selection Facebook Twitter. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Close click to copy.]
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