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Analysis Of The Story Sunday On The Video

Dr. Mosser's Lectionary Study - February 9, 2021

As the pandemic began to unfold, scores of Catholic dioceses across the U. And despite the broad economic downturn, these assets have grown in many dioceses. A majority of these dioceses reported enough money on hand to cover at least six months of operating expenses, even without any new income.

Italy to ease virus restrictions in many regions from Sunday

Federal officials responded by emphasizing the money was intended for those who Analysis Of The Story Sunday On The the cushion that cash and other liquidity provide. Many corporations returned the funds. Small Business Administration released following a public-records lawsuit by news organizations. The agency for months had shared only partial information, making a more precise analysis impossible. Church officials have said their employees were as worthy of help as workers at Main Street businesses, and that without it they would have had to slash jobs and curtail their charitable mission as demand for food pantries and social services spiked.

The pattern held whether a diocese was big or small, urban or rural, East or West, North or South. Catholic leaders in dioceses including Charlotte, Chicago, Louisville and Raleigh said their parishes and schools, like many other businesses and nonprofits, suffered financially when they closed to slow the spread of read article deadly coronavirus. As revenues fell, dioceses said, wage cuts and a few dozen layoffs were necessary in Sunray offices.

Catholics account for about a fifth of the Analyssis. Overall, Catholic recipients got roughly twice as much as 40 of the largest, most well-known charities in America combined, AP found. The complete picture is certainly even more lopsided. So Analysi Catholic entities received help that reporters could not identify them all, even after spending hundreds of hours hand-checking tens of thousands of records in federal data.

The Vatican referred questions about the paycheck program to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, which said it does not speak on behalf of dioceses. The analysis focused on available assets because federal officials cited those metrics when clarifying eligibility for the paycheck program. Among those are its thousands of real estate properties and most of the funds that parishes and Analysis Of The Story Sunday On The hold. In addition, dioceses can rely on a well-funded support system that includes help from wealthier dioceses, the bishops conference and other Catholic organizations. Canon law, the legal code the Vatican uses to govern the global church, notes that Tye dioceses may assist poorer Analyzis, and the AP found instances where they did.

Some church officials said AP was misreading their financial books and therefore overstating available assets. For its analysis, AP consulted experts in church finance and church law. One was the Rev. James Connell, an accountant for 15 years before joining the priesthood and becoming an administrator in the Milwaukee Archdiocese.

Https:// and love of neighbor must include the common good. Parishioners in several cities have questioned church leaders who received government money for Catholic schools they then closed. Elsewhere, a pastor in a Western state told AP that he refused to apply even after diocesan officials repeatedly pressed him. The pastor had been saving, much like leaders of other parishes. As the weeks passed last spring, the pastor said his church managed just fine.

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Parishioners were so happy with new online Masses and his other outreach initiatives, he said, they boosted their contributions beyond levels. Months after the pandemic first walloped the economy, the dioceses that release financial statements began sharing updates. In all, 38 dioceses grew those resources, while nine reported declines. Finances in Raleigh and 10 other dioceses that took government assistance were stable enough that they did not have to dip into millions they had available through outside lines of credit. The 47 dioceses acknowledged a smaller amount of readily available assets than AP counted, though by their own accounting that grew as well.

The improving financial outlook is due primarily to parishioners who found ways to continue donating and U.]

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