A Brief Description of Sickle Cell Anemia - amazonia.fiocruz.br

A Brief Description of Sickle Cell Anemia - for

Such a gene that exhibits multiple phenotypic expression is called a pleiotropic gene. Mutation in a pleiotropic gene may have an effect on several traits simultaneously, due to the gene coding for a product used by a myriad of cells or different targets that have the same signaling function. Pleiotropy can arise from several distinct but potentially overlapping mechanisms, such as gene pleiotropy, developmental pleiotropy, and selectional pleiotropy. Gene pleiotropy occurs when a gene product interacts with multiple other proteins or catalyzes multiple reactions. Developmental pleiotropy occurs when mutations have multiple effects on the resulting phenotype. A Brief Description of Sickle Cell Anemia

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Scientific Research An Academic Publisher. Sickle cell disease is a public health problem.

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According to the WHO aboutchildren are born with sickle cell disease each year [1]. It is responsible for both acute and chronic complications [4], as well as disturbances in psychosocial development [5] [6], including low self-esteem, negative feelings and depression [7] [8]. In Congo, only one study on the psychosocial experience of mothers A Brief Description of Sickle Cell Anemia children with sickle cell disease is available [6]. An analytical cross-sectional study was carried out from June to September at Dedcription national sickle cell reference center and at the mother-child consultation of the Brazzaville University Hospital.

On these criteria, subjects living with homozygous sickle cell disease were selected. The Likert-type Rosenberg scale for self-esteem [12] and the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire BIPQ for cognitive and emotional representations [13] and an open-ended question comprising three words or expressions spontaneously associated with sickle cell disease by the subject.

Data confidentiality has been guaranteed. Out of subjects selected, the diagnostic criteria for depression and anxiety disorders were noted in 52 The decrease in self-esteem, noted in all cases, was low in 97 The answer to the question on the probable duration of the disease noted that it was perceived as curable by A poor ability to control symptoms of the disease was noted in The distribution of subjects according to their concerns about the disease showed that it was low A feeling of fear in 82 The knowledge of the cause assessed by the ability to list up to three probable causes of the disease showed that at least one cause was mentioned by 77 Three words or phrases were spontaneously Kf with sickle cell disease in Table 1. Words or expressions associated with sickle cell disease by the subjects. The median age of the Bried was 12 years with an interquartile range between 9 and 15 years.

These were These were children attending school in all cases, including Academic performance was poor in 54 Five 2. The electrophoretic profile was known for 47 The median age at diagnosis was three years with interquartile range between one and six years, including The Descfiption of people living with sickle cell disease was or by A history of hospitalization was found in The history of complication found in In 12 Illness A Brief Description of Sickle Cell Anemia, performance, and academic delay are associated with anxiety Table 3.

A weak association for taking hydroxyurea, medium for school and puberty delay and strong for age and duration of the disease. The drop in self-esteem is associated with age, the duration of the illness and the existence of a school delay, the number of hospitalizations and the use of analgesics Table 4.

This is a weak association for the number of hospitalizations; average for school delay, duration of illness and analgesics and strong for age.

The course of sickle cell disease is punctuated by vaso-occlusive crises, deglobulization, infections [4] but also the ever possible occurrence of psychological repercussions [5]. The study framework as well as the size of the sample justifies why the results obtained can be applied to the entire infant and juvenile population living with sickle cell disease in Brazzaville, although a pitfall relating to certain open questions could lead to problems: negative emotional reactions. Table 2. Relationship between socio-demographic and clinical characteristics and depression.]

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