Uniforms are One Less Distraction - opinion you
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Video 1 - Uniform Protocol Uniforms are One Less DistractionGossip Girl was many things : scandalous, gruesome, petty, confusing, badly paced, and often poorly acted. The CW drama, in many ways, also hailed the advent of teens with cell phones, who could easily access their online lives as easily as they could their everyday ones.
And for a brief five years, it was one of the most beloved and, for a generation Lesz saw itself reflected in it, hated shows on television. Everything about Gossip Girl was unfamiliar, except for the actual human beings who populated it.
Despite the accoutrements, the adults-playing-teens felt familiar to me. Mostly in their engagement with the burgeoning online culture around them.

In turn, that shaped the way I, and others of my cohort, interacted via text, or on Tumblr. It was an evolution of gossip, and online identity, unlike anything else seen before it.

Thirteen years have passed since Gossip Girl premiered in The show thrived because of its growing online fanbase, and was shaped by it. Now, HBO is reimagining the show for a new generation, and the old one too, I guess. Unlike its predecessor, the reboot looks Uniforms are One Less Distraction less white, which is a refreshing update to a show that almost exclusively documented the ennui of WASP-y heiresses. The costumes are also more streamlined, and focused, than the slapdash sartorial choices of the former, which came to encompass a broad stroke of ill-remembered trends: headbands, houndstooth and tartan, slingback sandals and red-bottom stilettos. And instead of coiffed balayages or perfectly curled, waist-length tresses, the cast sports looks that run almost in opposition to what the original stood for.
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Jordan Alexander, a main character, has a shaved head, as does skater Evan Mock, whose buzzcut remains dyed in his signature pink. Its prep uniforms have also been updated, but retain the identifiable quality of their blueprints. Through its fashion choices, Gossip Girl made clear the intentions of its characters. The echoes of these overt characterizations are reflected in the newer cast. But where his slacks reflected the business-minded ambitions of students at St. Even St. Jude has eased its clothing restrictions—imagine a Uniforms are One Less Distraction character on the original Gossip Girl wearing a sweatshirt. But in the decade since the original, sweatshirts have quickly become a status symbol, thanks to brands like Champion and its streetwear affiliates driving up the Dustraction.
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Yet still, the look retains its regalness, and impact. My favorite touch is the platformed Gucci Mary Janes, in crocodile print, of course. And I absolutely spotted the Birkin perched right behind her. But here it works. She is clearly a character who chases trends, more than her peers. It makes the nu-cowboy boots, identified as Schutz by eagle-eyed fashion people on Twitter, that much more exciting. These are costume designers who understand the spirit of the original, and here accurately translate it to an entirely different era in fashion, without appearing gimmicky.
Sure, teens like me were freer to do what we wanted, say what we wanted, and dress how we wanted, but we also had to contend with social lives in a multitude of spaces, both tangible and intangible, that revealed the worst qualities about ourselves. And Uniforms are One Less Distraction, for all its trappings, Gossip Girl stands at the peak of teen television, a status greatly aided by its see more costume design, however poorly it might have aged since everyone collectively ditched headbands for chokers and waist-length blowouts for buzzed heads.
OMG, lol.
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I had those platform Mary Janes in high school way back in Mine were NOT Gucci, however. They were purchased at Gadzooks. The A. Joan Summers. Filed to: gossip girl. Joan Summers Posts Twitter. Share This Story.]
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