Theme Of Jealousy And Manipulation In Othello -

Theme Of Jealousy And Manipulation In Othello Video

Othello by William Shakespeare - Themes Theme Of Jealousy And Manipulation In Othello Theme Of Jealousy And Manipulation In Othello

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Jealousy is feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages. Everyone has been jealous sometime in their life. Othello is a very tOhello play that represents the continuous Ruin of a general as he easily trusts the wrong people and gets the consequences of his gullibility.

Theme Of Jealousy And Manipulation In Othello

The play is essentially charged by the unrelenting nature of the Antagonist, Iago, as he tries to get revenge on Othello for not promoting him as the lieutenant and instead giving it to another man that has no experience in physical battle. Iago is angry because Othello promoted Cassio to the lieutenant position, instead of him. Brabantio is jealous because the Othello married his daughter, desdemona. Othello gets jealous when Jelaousy suspects that Desdemona is cheating on him with Cassio. While Iago is seen as an honest man by Othello, his jealousy leads to the downfall of everyone. Jealousy is a destructive trait that leads to bad situations. Prior to the start of the play, Othello had given the lieutenant position to Cassio instead of Iago, and that fuelled the hate and jealousy that Iago has towards Othello and Cassio.

The theme of jealousy in othello essay

Iago has made it clear that he is angry at Othello for promoting Cassio to lieutenant, instead of him. Iago also has a suspicion that Othello has been sleeping with his wife, and he later says:. This suspicion leaves Iago more angry and jealous although he is not certain that Othello and his wife, Emilia, are having an affair.

Iago also believes he will be a better lieutenant sorely on the fact that he has more experience with battle. Iago has more experience fighting, but Cassio is more knowledgeable of the position given to him. But Iago sees his experience as more valuable, which is more info he thinks Cassio is not worthy enough for that role. He says:.

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Desdemona and Othello appear to have a good and romantic relationship in the play. At the start of the play, they are loving and trusting, and they stood by each other the whole time before Iago got involved in their lives. Iago puts doubt and insecurity in the mind Jeslousy Othello, and it changes the way that Othello sees Desdemona.

Theme Of Jealousy And Manipulation In Othello

Othello gets jealous when Iago suggests that Desdemona has been cheating on him with his lieutenant Cassio, and his jealousy grows bigger when he is unable to find out the truth.]

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