The War On The Front Lines -

The War On The Front Lines Video

Salina Gambit - Front lines - Pt.2

The War On The Front Lines - are mistaken

This reads very much as its title predicts it will: a slice of life about people on a frontier, but in this case the conflict is cultural and not physical. This is an argument. I suspect there is more than one major argument. What do you see as those arguments? Why do you think that? The War On The Front Lines The War On The Front Lines

Like most people in the Upstate, she spent the early spring sheltering in place and watching TV news about the Coronavirus, her mind full of fear and anxiety.

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Before long, however, the year-old nurse anesthetist decided to take a risk — and take some action. Ultimately, she decided to drive nearly miles to take a temporary position at Ascension St. John Hospital in Detroit.

The War On The Front Lines

She arrived on April 10 to find the place slammed with coronavirus patients. Suffice it to say, Wooding walked into a hospital teaming with chaos and death. Of the beds inside the hospital, she estimates at least were designated for coronavirus patients. In those early days of the pandemic, she says Ascension staff members were very apprehensive about contracting the illness from patients. Thus, doctors and nurses took every precaution — wearing protective gear that included a full body suit, gloves, helmet, mask and face shield.

It really was as if the staff was putting on their battle armor to go to war each day. And that war against the virus proved an intense, draining and heart-wrenching affair. Wooding estimates percent of COVID victims that had to be placed on ventilators eventually passed away. That meant brushing their teeth, putting chapstick on their lips and wiping the Operation Anaconda Study Analysis from their eyes.

It also meant bathing them in their beds and constantly repositioning them to prevent bruises and bedsores. The emotional The War On The Front Lines of the work took its toll on Wooding. Getting to Know the Families After wrapping up her one-month stint in Detroit, Wooding took two months off to rest and decompress.

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There, she found the work even more taxing than the Michigan job had been. Perhaps what made the Florida job hardest, however, were the tight relationships Wooding forged with the patients and their families. Though some were conscious when she was assigned to them, most spiraled down the same predictable road to respiratory failure and death.

One patient told her TThe loved her.

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Another told her he was scared. She even used her own cellphone for family Skype calls with the patients, and believes such interchanges were beneficial, even when the patient was unconscious. He had performed all around Jacksonville, including a few times at St.

The War On The Front Lines

Vincent, where he eventually ended up as a patient. When she did, the patient still conscious at the time became so excited that Wooding ended up staying at the hospital with him long after her shift ended. Even though the man ultimately succumbed to the virus, his faith provided him with an inner peace Wooding says was unmistakable. He had no trouble accepting death because he believed he was going to heaven. His faith helped him make the transition. Recently, Wooding made a transition of her own, moving from the Upstate to Charleston to resume her work as a nurse anesthetist. However, Wooding will never forget the patients she took care of during the spring and summer. Skip to main content.

The War On The Front Lines

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