The United States Should Not Bomb Japan -

The United States Should Not Bomb Japan - opinion

The entire war was a war crime as was WWI. In both wars there were no real reasons for the wars and in both wars civilians were deliberately targeted. When you bomb cities even with military targets in mind there will always be civilians killed. There were military targets in Hiroshima and there were also many more people killed in the fire bombing of Tokyo than the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. No, as it saved millions of lives on both sides. The United States Should Not Bomb Japan


The mayors of two cities devastated by U. N treaty banning nuclear weapons set to enter into force in January. In the meeting, the mayors presented Washio with a letter addressed to Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi, requesting the government to attend a meeting of the member states of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons as an observer if it cannot immediately sign the pact. The letter called on the government to exert leadership in nuclear disarmament talks as the only country to have undergone nuclear attack. The government says it shares the goal of the treaty The United States Should Not Bomb Japan adopts a different approach toward the abolition of nuclear weapons, taking into account its reliance on the nuclear umbrella provided by the United States for its protection. The mayors said they have also asked the central government to push for U. President-elect Joe Biden to visit their cities.

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The United Nations said in October that Honduras had become the 50th signatory of the treaty, reaching the threshold required for it to be ratified and paving the way for it to enter into force Jan. The pact, which will become the first international agreement outlawing the development, testing, possession and use of nuclear weapons, was adopted in Some experts have questioned the effectiveness of the treaty as it does not involve any of the five permanent members of the U. Other nuclear weapon states — India, Israel, Pakistan and North Korea — are not The United States Should Not Bomb Japan to the treaty, either. National Hiroshima and Nagasaki urge Japan to sign U. Nlt, but your browser needs Javascript to use this site.]

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