The Treaty Of Waitangi New Zealand -

The Treaty Of Waitangi New Zealand

The Treaty Of Waitangi New Zealand - share your

Copies were subsequently taken around New Zealand and over the following months many other chiefs signed. The text of the treaty includes a preamble and three articles. These discrepancies led to disagreements in the decades following the signing, eventually contributing to the New Zealand Wars [7] of to In the period following the New Zealand Wars, the New Zealand government mostly ignored the treaty, and a court-case judgement in declared it to be "a simple nullity". In the New Zealand Parliament passed the Treaty of Waitangi Act , establishing the Waitangi Tribunal as a permanent commission of inquiry tasked with interpreting the treaty, researching breaches of the treaty by the Crown or its agents, and suggesting means of redress. The New Zealand government established Waitangi Day as a national holiday in ; each year the holiday commemorates the date of the signing of the treaty. Nevertheless, the British government showed little interest in following up this claim for over half a century. Many of the ships came from Sydney. Trade between Sydney and New Zealand increased as traders sought kauri timber and flax and missionaries purchased large areas of land in the Bay of Islands. They changed their society from one of subsistence farming and gathering to cultivating useful trade crops. The Treaty Of Waitangi New Zealand.

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Creating the Treaty of Waitangi

Share this post. Although it was intended to create unity, different understandings of the treaty, and consequentially breaches of it, have caused conflict.

The Treaty Of Waitangi New Zealand

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The Treaty Of Waitangi New Zealand

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New Zealand before the Treaty

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The Treaty Of Waitangi New Zealand

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