![[BKEYWORD-0-3] The Tragedy Of World War II](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/MaAAAOSwzgBY454-/s-l640.jpg)
Truth was called upon to be the fundamental sign of modernity. Gone were superstitions and medieval obscurantism. We arrived at the enlightenment where the facts could be checked through empirical verification. Sedition and deception deserved Christian burial and to become the bad memory of a bygone era.
Apr 2020 – Apr 2021 Campaign
But the ambition of the capitalist system buried the idea of historical truth. A suit tailored to the dominant hegemony. This mechanism is especially used to eradicate dissent. There is an axiom that says that history is written by the victors. But that postulate collapses the logic of hegemonic liberal pride. This year marks no less than 75 years of victory over fascism and its racist and totalizing claim.
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For reasons of our diplomatic work Thd the deep friendship that unites us with the Russian people, on June 24, it fell to us to witness the lavish parade organized by the Russian Federation to pay tribute and remember the enormous sacrifice of the people and the Soviet army. In this context, we see with astonishment the unacceptable pretension to erase the immeasurable feat of the Russian people by the corporate media of the West.
They crudely intend to disappear 27 million Soviet lives that we remember with honor and pain today, as a terrible cost of the Great Patriotic War. Who can deny that in the military strategy of the Red Army and the sacrifice of the Soviet peoples were the determining factors in the surrender of Nazism? No one Tragsdy that each of the allied actors made admirable and heroic proportional contributions. Much less can reality be manipulated by pretending to dismiss and, worse still, ignore the leading role of the Soviet Union.

In defense of the truth, President Vladimir Putin published a lucid document explaining what should need no explanation whatsoever. Beyond the remarkable historical rescue exercise based on verifiable facts, this article incorporates a great lesson in world politics.
June 24th, 1979 @ 8:15 AM
It is based on a reflection so as not to repeat a cycle of such excessive violence between human beings. It does so by evoking the tragic sense Warr what this moment was for humanity. The world is out of place, out of its mind, and medieval specters reappear through deception.]
Ur!!!! We have won :)
It is not logical
It is more than word!
Now all became clear to me, I thank for the help in this question.
The authoritative message :)