The Theory Of The Constructivist Theory -

The Theory Of The Constructivist Theory The Theory Of The Constructivist Theory

Constructivism is a theory and observation based on how people learn.

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People construct their own understanding and knowledge of the events that happen around them through experiencing and reflecting on those experiences to reconcile if what we believe is relevant or irrelevant as per the new information. Learning is an active rather than a Conxtructivist process. During a passive process, we expect the learner to be filled with knowledge, whereas constructivism states that learners construct knowledge on the basis of active engagement with real-life problem-solving situations where their prior knowledge, past experiences and new knowledge makes meaningful connections.

Knowledge is viewed as personal, each learner has their own point of view based on existing The Theory Of The Constructivist Theory and values.

The Theory Of The Constructivist Theory

Which means the same lesson and learning material has multiple interpretations. Learners keep updating their mental models to reflect on new information. The roots of constructivism began with the developmental work of Jean Piaget who developed a theory that highlighted the function of cognition.


Piaget talked about four stages in human development; the sensorimotor Constructivisf, the preoperational stage, the concrete operational stage and the article source operational stage. Later Lev Vygotsky contributed the idea that learning and development were integrally tied to communicative interactions with others.

John Dewey — argued that human thought is practical problem solving and these experiences occur in social contexts such as a classroom where students join in together to bring in real world problems into the school curriculum. Constructivist learning theory is an understanding that enhances a learner's logical and conceptual growth. The two key concepts within The Theory Of The Constructivist Theory theory are accommodation and assimilation. Teachers play a huge role within the constructivist learning theory. They function as facilitators who help students to understand the concept better.

The Theory Of The Constructivist Theory

The approach is different from delivering lectures as the teacher starts by asking questions rather than talking about the concepts themselves. The student then comes to the conclusion using their own understanding and the teacher continues discussions and conversations with students.

The Theory Of The Constructivist Theory

This creates OOf learning experience that is open to new directions as the learning progresses. Moreover, the classroom experience is enhanced by allowing different students to come up and share their knowledge and understanding. A teacher is an expert learner who can guide students to adopt cognitive strategies and engage in classroom activities which can easily be done if see more have done the Level 3 Award in Education and Training course. Constructivist Learning Theory Sandy Skeet 10 Nov Views: Constructivism is a theory and observation based on how people learn. Concepts within constructivism Constructivist learning theory is an understanding that enhances a learner's logical and conceptual growth.

Education and Training

Assimilating means incorporating new in old experiences, rethinking and altering perceptions. On the other hand accommodation reframes new experiences and it keeps changing as the context changes. There are a number of competing constructivist views in education; Prior knowledge: the Tbeory is that prior knowledge impacts the learning process.]

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