The Theme Of Inhumanity In Night By -

The Theme Of Inhumanity In Night By Video

Inhumanity (From Tv Series Quartermass) The Theme Of Inhumanity In Night By.

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The Theme Of Inhumanity In Night By The Theme Of Inhumanity In Night By

Lost in Space is an American science fiction television seriescreated and produced by Irwin Allenwhich originally aired between and The show ran for 83 episodes over three seasons; the first season 29 hour-long episodes was filmed in black and white, and the 54 hour-long episodes of Seasons 2 and 3 were filmed in color. On October 16,the United States is gearing up to colonize space.

Human Inhumanity

The Jupiter 2a futuristic saucer-shaped spacecraft, stands on its launch pad undergoing final preparations. Its mission is to take a single family on a five-and-a-half-year journey to an Earthlike planet orbiting the star Alpha Centauri. The family is accompanied by U.

The Theme Of Inhumanity In Night By

The Robinsons and Major West are to be cryogenically frozen for the voyage, and they are set to be unfrozen when the spacecraft approaches its destination. Zachary Smith Jonathan HarrisAlpha Control's doctor, is revealed to be a saboteur working on behalf of an unnamed nation.

Politics, Refugee Camps, and Inhumanity ThemeTracker

After disposing of a guard who catches him aboard the spacecraft, Smith reprograms the Jupiter 2 ' s B-9 environmental control robot voiced by Dick Tufeld to destroy critical systems on the spaceship eight hours after launch. Smith becomes trapped aboard at launch, however, and his extra weight throws the Jupiter 2 off course, causing it to encounter asteroids. This, plus the robot's rampage, causes the ship to prematurely engage The Theme Of Inhumanity In Night By hyperdrive, and the expedition becomes hopelessly lost in the infinite depths of outer space.

Smith's selfish actions and laziness frequently endanger the expedition, but his role assumes less sinister overtones in later parts of the series. The astronaut family of Dr. John Robinson, accompanied by a pilot and a robot, set out in the year from an overpopulated Earth in here spaceship Jupiter 2 to travel to a planet circling the star Alpha Centauri.

The Jupiter 2 mission is sabotaged by Dr.]

The Theme Of Inhumanity In Night By

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