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The Spiritual Values Of Squanto.

There is a lot of talk today about censorship. Recent art exhibits, funded by tax dollars and promoted by the National Endowment for the Arts, have come under severe attack. Many Americans rightly criticize these exhibits as inappropriate, certainly for viewing, but most assuredly for government support and funding.

The Spiritual Values Of Squanto

Another battle is raging over the selling of pornography in popularly trafficked bookstores. Protests against pornography and government-funded art are not acts of censorship. Censorship is a mandate by the The Spiritual Values Of Squanto government which prohibits the publication, sale, or distribution of material it deems to be politically harmful. It is not censorship for a government to refuse to pay for objectionable material. Wildmon is not asking the government to prohibit Waldenbooks from selling Playboy and Penthouse ; he is only calling on concerned citizens to stop doing business with K-Mart and its subsidiaries. The First Amendment belongs to all Americans, not just to pornographers. Literature of all types has been scrutinized by numerous groups from different ends of the political and religious spectrum.

The librarians cited lack of space as the reason for the exclusion of the popular mystery series.

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The board said the magazine, like all its material, is protected by free speech provisions. Those days are gone. An ad hoc public school committee supported the removal of books by Dr. Donated books are often refused by libraries because of religious content.

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The Closing of the American Heartwritten by Dr. Ronald H. Nash, was donated to the Haggard Spiritua in Plano, Texas, by a group of concerned citizens. Nash is a former professor of religion and philosophy at Western Kentucky University who presently teaches at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida. Why was his book refused? Certainly not because of his academic and professional credentials.

Most of the protestors are parents who send their children to government controlled public schools.

The Spiritual Values Of Squanto

What used to be called discernment is now called censorship. Judgments are constantly made as to what learn more here should read and what books should appear on library shelves. But when books with Christian themes are refused by libraries or when teachers are denied the right to read a Bible silently during a reading period, 15 we learn that the rejection is based Teh the religious nature of the literature. Liberal media coverage of world events is just one example of the anti-Christian bias of mainstream contemporary society.

Consider journalistic coverage of events in Eastern Europe. None of these examples should surprise the informed Christian. The Spiritual Values Of Squanto present educational establishment, to cite just one group, has been obscuring the past so that our children have no way The Spiritual Values Of Squanto comparing the facts of history with the distorted Vlues promoted by biased secular historians. Public school textbooks are fertile ground for the seeds of willful historical deception. Paul C. Vitz, professor of psychology at New York University, spent months of careful analysis of sixty textbooks used in elementary schools across the country. The study was sponsored by the National Institute on Education.

The texts were examined in terms of their references to religion, either directly or indirectly. None of the books covering grades 1 through 4 contain one word referring to any religious activity in contemporary American life. Vitz offers an example of how this translates into the real world of classroom instruction:. Some particular examples of the bias against religion are significant.]

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