The Second Amendment Exceptions -

The Second Amendment Exceptions

Last week, U.

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Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito told a group of attorneys that individual rights were at increased risk of government encroachment—including the right to keep and bear arms. Supreme Court.

The Second Amendment Exceptions

And that the best way to acquire and maintain that skill is to go to a range every now and then. Of course, it was none of these things. The speech was sobering but tempered, a nonpartisan, but unvarnished, stand taken against tyranny of the judiciary or any other government institution, and against the pretentions of politicians, such as Sen.

The Second Amendment Exceptions

For gun owners, the speech also gives a rare glimpse into the inner workings of Court deliberations, a preview of future decisions, and a reassurance that Justice Alito clearly understands the Second Amendment protects an individual right. With such a strong endorsement of the Second Amendment, no wonder the establishment media and gun grabbers are frightened. When it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can do much to help it.

Article by David Burnett. November 19, Guns In The News.

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