The s Supportive Measures For The Picot -

The s Supportive Measures For The Picot - consider, that

However, he explained, given their prolonged stay abroad, beyond what was planned, "these persons and their relatives were forced to make expenses that initially were not planned, linked to their stay in the countries where they are, all of which is taken into account at the time of making the decisions that have been systematically announced. He added that once in Cuba, as it normally happens, these persons will have the possibility of updating their passport and, if they wish, to travel abroad again. Live Audio Only. Cuba continues to strengthen ties with its nationals abroad by adopting measures that facilitate the return of Cubans permanently residing in the national territory who haven't been able to return to the country due to COVID Photo: RogelioSierraD. The s Supportive Measures For The Picot The s Supportive Measures For The Picot

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