The Problems With Childhood Obesity -

The Problems With Childhood Obesity

The Problems With Childhood Obesity - final, sorry

Obesity in the United States is a major health issue resulting in numerous diseases, specifically increased risk of certain types of cancer , coronary artery disease , type 2 diabetes , stroke , as well as significant increases in early mortality and economic costs. Adults with a BMI of 30 to By , figures from the CDC found that more than one-third crude estimate For the following statistics, adults is defined as age 20 and over. Severe obesity is defined as a BMI over 35 in the study. The Problems With Childhood Obesity

The Problems With Childhood Obesity Video

The Effects of Childhood Obesity

Children obesity is an acute problem that is frequently met in the modern society.

The Problems With Childhood Obesity

In order to address this problem properly, it is essential to examine its roots as well as to identify the ways of performing a positive change. A particular focus of the paper will be put on determining the ways school menus can be improved as the major part of children meals is consumed at school. This Proboems is brought about with varied combination of factors.

The Problems With Childhood Obesity

First and foremost, it can be retrieved hereditary from the parents Haerens, Childhood obesity is a result of intertwine between environmental factors and genetics. The possession of two similar samples of alleles also recognized as FTO increases largely the risks of obesity. The consumption of large quantities of junk food may likewise contribute to the development of obesity because most of the junk food always contains a large scope of calories and cholesterol Scherer, Most of the obese children from African and Hispanic communities lack exercise as their parents do not let them go outside in the fear of the dangers their children are always exposed to in the streets.

The Problems With Childhood Obesity would be unfair to claim that these fears are ungrounded — areas show high risks of being kidnapped by gangs as well as being abused sexually or hooked on drugs. Hence, the variety of the online games prevents children from going outside.


In fact, they no more experience the need for live communication as their gadgets enable them to maintain virtual contacts. As a result, the physical activity of the modern children is evidently insufficient. Family practices are another serious factor that to obesity in children Haerens, Most mothers in these days do not exclusively breastfeed infants and introduce them to formulas Wiht early.

The Problems With Childhood Obesity

As a result, they prefer their children travelling by bus whatever short the destination Scherer, The excessive care prevents children from the natural development, making them more exposed to the development of obesity Haerens, Another critical scope of factors is psychological triggers. Some people tend to overeat when being stressed or upset, and children are not an exception. When exposed to stress they tend to eat a lot to The Problems With Childhood Obesity stress hence their bodies absorb an excessive amount of energy which is further stored — as a result, a child is getting gradually obese Scherer, Obesity implies a series of associated effects.

Some of the effects might reside in such health disorders as high blood pressure, strokes, heart diseases and even diabetes 2 Haerens, ]

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