The Presidency Of Thomas Jefferson -

The Presidency Of Thomas Jefferson Video

U.S. History - Presidency of Thomas Jefferson The Presidency Of Thomas Jefferson The Presidency Of Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson, third president — of the United States of America, was one of her Founding Fathers and a principal author of the Declaration of Independence. Using the Gregorian calendar as the basis of determining birth, Apr.

The Presidency Of Thomas Jefferson

His father, Peter Jefferson, believed to be of Welsh descent, was a surveyor and a planter of 5, acres of land which upon his death, was inherited by the young Jefferson at the age of 14 including the slaves. He studied mathematics, philosophy and metaphysics when he attended the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg from at Thomss age of 17 and met his influential mentor, law professor George Wythe. He indulged himself in reading French, Greek and Latin classics, and playing violin.

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He spoke five languages, collected books and wrote more than sixteen thousand letters. Jefferson graduated with highest honors in He later worked as a law clerk for Wythe during which stint he continuously read law and a variety of political works, and five years later inhe was admitted to the Virginia bar.

At 26, he was elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses in and the more info year, began building a neo-classical mansion, Monticello at the mountaintop which he had always wanted to do since childhood based primarily on the works of architect Andrea Palladio and his study on classical orders.

The Presidency Of Thomas Jefferson

As a delegate to the house, he wrote various resolutions against the Coercive Acts passed by the British Parliament Tgomas He argued that the authority of the British Parliament was confined only to Great Britain and does not encompass the colonies and that the colonists had the natural right to govern themselves. Jefferson married a wealthy year old widow Martha Wayles Skelton in at age 29 and the couple had six children: 1 Martha Washington The Presidency Of Thomas Jefferson ; 2 Jane Jefferson ; 3 stillborn or unnamed son ; 4 Mary Wayles Jefferson ; 5 Lucy Elizabeth ; and 6 Lucy Elizabeth Of the six only Martha, the oldest daughter lived beyond age 25 and together with Mary Wayles survived to adulthood.

The Presidency Of Thomas Jefferson

He became active in party politics when he helped organized the Committee of Correspondence for Virginia on March 12, composed of eleven members including himself. The committee was tasked to disseminate information regarding British actions on the eve of American Revolution. In June at age 32 he was elected as Preisdency to the 2nd Continental Congress soon after the Revolutionary War had begun and was appointed to a five-man committee created to prepare a Declaration of Independence for submission to the congress which ratified the final draft on July 4, two days after approving the accompanying resolution.

It was said that during The Presidency Of Thomas Jefferson 3-day debate Jefferson spoke not a word for or against the draft declaration.]

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