The Oppressed And The Oppressor - congratulate
Animals always get left out and victimized by humans, and that is why I no longer yield to the altar of humanity, nor lend my voice in fighting for the human-created hypocrisy that is human rights. Unlike the billions of hypocrites in the world, I condemn ALL oppression. Speciesism is evil, just like racism, sexism, heterosexism, and other man-made -isms are wrong. Why would anyone be exempt from behaving ethically? Like many, I was raised into eating animal products. I never would have thought that I was an animal-loving animal exploiter, but that is what I was. I used to consume the flesh of sea animals, chickens, turkeys, and lambs. But nevertheless, I would rather be hated, scorned, and hurt even more, for telling the truth and standing for the animals, than be accepted by staying silent. The Oppressed And The OppressorThe New York Times, the Gray Lady, the former bastion of proper journalism, where legendary editor Abe Rosenthal maintained an iron wall between news and opinion, has become a full-on apparatus of Annd Democratic Party machine and leftist politics. The Twitter source was so incensed that the paper published a grotesquely self-serving retraction, and led to the defenestration of the editorial page editor and subsequent resignation of one of its more centrist writers.

The very people we are told are the architects and perpetuators of systemic racism. Told by them.
Pedagogy Of The Oppressed, Joel Spring And Jane Martin 's The Educated Person Perspectives
Economist Glenn C. Loury had something to say about that:.

The tone of the conversation here in the U. I think that is a bogus argument, an argument of surrender, and it leaves one, oddly, petitioning the putative oppressor to save you from the consequences of his oppression. An intelligentsia that, just 40 years earlier, was overtly Psychodrama and spawned the eugenics movement.
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Rather improbable. College Life was seeking to equalize treatment of the oppressed, they engaged in a paternalistic exploitation of the movement for their own edification and cynical political gain. As Ronald Reagan observed. The broad-brush treatment prompts a broad-brush antipode, and nothing gets done. Well-to-do white liberals want to be saviors, they want the satisfaction that they derive from being so. It also explains how this crowd simultaneously engage in self-flagellation for sins they have assigned to all who look like them and self-aggrandizement for remediating behaviors that serve their egos more than the people on whose behalf they are The Oppressed And The Oppressor. As always, the libertarian answer would put us on a better path: Treat everyone as an individual with rights equal to your own, with respect, and on merits.
The Oppressed And The Oppressor Justice John Roberts echoed that path, back in The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race. Guess by whom? I am twice-retired, a former rocket engineer and a former small business owner. At the very least, it makes for interesting party conversation. I'm also a life-long libertarian, I engage in an expanse of entertainments, and I squabble for sport. Please wait while you are being authenticated Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. View Results. In other news, water is wet. Loury had something to say about that: The tone of the conversation here in the U.
As Ronald Reagan observed, We waged a war on poverty, and poverty won. Chief Justice John Roberts echoed that path, back in The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.
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About the Author. About Peter Venetoklis I am twice-retired, a former rocket engineer and a former small business owner. Nowadays, I spend a good bit of my time arguing politics and editing this website. Like this post? Norman Blanton on November 15, at am. Peter Venetoklis on November 15, at am.]
It is remarkable, the valuable information
You Exaggerate.
I know nothing about it
Sounds it is tempting
It is removed (has mixed topic)