The Occurrence Of Iron Deficiency Anemia -

The Occurrence Of Iron Deficiency Anemia The Occurrence Of Iron Deficiency Anemia.

The Occurrence Of Iron Deficiency Anemia

Either your web browser doesn't support Javascript or Defciiency is currently turned off. In the latter case, please turn on Javascript support in your web browser and reload this page. Cureus11 Oct12 10 : e DOI: Introduction: Iron deficiency anemia IDA is an internationally recognized leading The Occurrence Of Iron Deficiency Anemia of disability and contributes to childhood morbidity and mortality. The prevalence of IDA is higher in developing countries, especially in Arab countries, compared to the west. Conclusion: Appropriate screening and iron supplementation are required to see a decline in the rate of IDA. Anemia can be defined as a decreased count of hemoglobin, red blood cells, and with possible alteration of red blood cell morphology [ 1 ]. There are many read more of anemias and they are driven by multiple factors.

The Occurrence Of Iron Deficiency Anemia

IDA is the third leading cause of disability worldwide and contributes to childhood morbidity and mortality. Iron is important for the development of the central nervous system, especially during the first two years of life, hence a deficiency Ane,ia cause cognitive decline [ 4 ]. IDA is a diversely distributed disease that mainly affects children, female teenagers, pregnant and lactating women [ 5 ].


Rapidly growing children from years of age may consume iron stores that accrue during gestation, which can physiologically lead to an absolute deficiency in ferritin, making them one of the highest risk prone population of contracting IDA [ 6 ]. IDA can also be associated with low birth weight and a higher risk of maternal and perinatal mortality [ 7 ]. Symptoms occur due to reduced oxygen delivery to body tissues and may include dyspnea, headache, lethargy, paleness, difficulty in concentration, and can affect motor and mental development [ 8 ]. Severe IDA can also increase the risk of premature delivery, low birth weight, mortality during labor, higher rates of infections, The Occurrence Of Iron Deficiency Anemia cardiac failure [ 910 ]. As data from our region is scarce, we investigated the prevalence and predictors of IDA in children aged one to five years. We retrospectively reviewed records of preschooler children years old who were seen at Dr.

We recorded the nationality of each study children and later we dichotomized the nationality as Emirati and Non-Emirati for analysis.

The Occurrence Of Iron Deficiency Anemia

We extracted white blood cell WBC count, hemoglobin level, ferritin level, iron supplementation, age, and gender of each study children. We also recorded information on which of the children were already on iron supplements. We divided the study sample into two groups. Our response variable is IDA that is classified into whether iron deficiency is present or not.

Since our response was binary, we performed binary logistic regression. We applied binary logistic regression taking the predictors as gender, nationality, supplement, and age. Moreover, gender and nationality were our categorical variables. The age ranged from link to five years. Overall, more male children were affected by IDA than females. There was no difference in the confidence intervals of children taking a supplement or not. The gender odds ratio OR was 0.

Iron Anemi Iron Deficiency Anemia

Nationality OR was 1. Supplement OR was 0. Age OR is 1. Globally, iron Deficoency is the most common nutritional disease and the root cause of anemia in children and pregnant women [ 17 ]. IDA commonly accompanies chronic illnesses such as chronic kidney disease, malignancy, rheumatoid arthritis, obesity, and inflammatory bowel disease [ 18 - 20 ]. The study of the prevalence of anemia, in general, is difficult as it requires an understanding of the epidemiology of the underlying causes of anemia.]

The Occurrence Of Iron Deficiency Anemia

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