The Middle Of The 19th Century -

The Middle Of The 19th Century

The Middle Of The 19th Century Video

Abandoned 19th-Century Neoclassical Castle in Belgium - Used in World War I (WW1) The Middle Of The 19th Century

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In this entry we discuss historical trends, as well as recent developments in literacy. From a historical perspective, literacy levels for the world population have risen drastically in the last couple of centuries. Https:// large improvements in the expansion of basic education, and the continuous reduction of education inequalities, there are substantial challenges ahead. The poorest countries in the world, where basic education is most likely to be a binding constraint for development, still have very large segments of the population who are illiterate. In Niger, for example, the literacy rate of the youth years is only This interactive map shows how the literacy rates varies between countries around the world.

The Middle Of The 19th Century

Literacy skills of the majority of the population is a modern achievement as we show below. Globally however, large inequalities remain, notably between sub-Saharan Africa and the rest of the world. While the earliest forms of written communication date back to about 3, BCE, literacy remained for centuries a very restricted technology closely Muddle with the exercise of power.

The Middle Of The 19th Century

It was only until the Middle Ages that book production started growing and literacy among the general population slowly started becoming important in the Western World. It was only in the 19th and 20th centuries that rates of literacy approached universality in early-industrialized countries.

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The following visualization presents estimates of world literacy for the period As we can see, literacy rates grew constantly but rather slowly until the beginning of the twentieth century. And the rate of growth really climbed after the middle of the 20th century, when the expansion of basic education became a global priority.

You can read more about the expansion of education systems around the world in our entry on Financing Education. The following visualization shows the spread of literacy in Europe since the 15th century, based on estimates from Buringh and Van Zanden As it can be seen, the rising levels of education in Europe foreshadowed the emergence of modern societies.

Particularly fast improvements in literacy took place across Northwest Europe in the period As we discuss below, widespread literacy is considered a legacy of the Age of Enlightenment. The historical estimates are based on the percentage of The Middle Of The 19th Century women who could sign documents, a very basic definition of literacy that is often used in historical research on education.]

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