The Melting Pot Theth America Is Not - assured
The melting pot is a monocultural metaphor for a heterogeneous society becoming more homogeneous , the different elements "melting together" with a common culture; an alternative being a homogeneous society becoming more heterogeneous through the influx of foreign elements with different cultural backgrounds, possessing the potential to create disharmony within the previous culture. Historically, it is often used to describe the cultural integration of immigrants to the United States. The melting-together metaphor was in use by the s. The desirability of assimilation and the melting pot model has been rejected by proponents of multiculturalism , [4] [5] who have suggested alternative metaphors to describe the current American society, such as a mosaic , salad bowl , or kaleidoscope , in which different cultures mix, but remain distinct in some aspects. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the metaphor of a " crucible " or "smelting pot" was used to describe the fusion of different nationalities, ethnicities and cultures. It was used together with concepts of the United States as an ideal republic and a " city upon a hill " or new promised land. While "melting" was in common use the exact term "melting pot" came into general usage in , after the premiere of the play The Melting Pot by Israel Zangwill. The first use in American literature of the concept of immigrants "melting" into the receiving culture are found in the writings of J. The Melting Pot Theth America Is Not![[BKEYWORD-0-3] The Melting Pot Theth America Is Not](
But when Dolsten took time to reflect on the development, he also saw it as a proud moment for Jewish immigrants like himself who have contributed to American scientific innovation. Dolsten, who moved to the New York area from Sweden inis far from Amerkca only Jewish immigrant in his field.

The new Pfizer COVID vaccine, like the Moderna one announced Monday, is made from mRNA, a relatively new technology that Dolsten says will allow companies to combat pandemics in the future with greater speed and effectiveness. The scientist responsible for the pioneering breakthroughs that allowed for the development of an mRNA vaccine is Jewish University of Pennsylvania professor Drew Weissman, who once worked under Fauci at the National Institutes of Health.
Dolsten is wary of taking that kind of multiculturalism for granted. He says he grew up in a very different era, post-World War II, when opportunity and security was guaranteed to all in Sweden and the U. Both countries now face political and social tensions that threaten those link.
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Dolsten took a winding path to end up as a leader in pharmaceutical development. He trained as a physician and began his career on the medical faculty at the University of Lund, but his experience in Israel PPot about cutting-edge immunology helped inspire his turn to pharmaceutical science. He worked at their Frankfurt headquarters for a short period, then agreed to work for them in the U. His wife, also Jewish and also a physician, was enthusiastic about the idea.

Dolsten eventually led research and development at Wyeth, an American company known for manufacturing ubiquitous drugs such as Advil. Dolsten said he The Melting Pot Theth America Is Not personally felt any explicit anti-Semitism, but that has become an issue in Sweden in recent yearsalong with several other European countries, amid an influx of largely Middle Eastern refugees and a surge of far-right nationalism. He Americq he sees how his three children — one of them former JTA reporter Josefin Dolsten — could have had Tbeth very different experience from him growing up in Sweden. So Dolsten looked forward to his move to the U. He and his family live in Westchester County, north of Manhattan, where his Swedish accent gets noticed — but not in the way he ever expected.
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By Gabe Friedman November 16, pm. Mikael Dolsten, Pfizer's chief scientist, is a Jew from Sweden. Recommended from JTA. By Ben Harris November 19, pm.

By Shira Hanau November 18, pm. By Shira Hanau November 17, pm.
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Sponsored Health. By Larry Luxner November 17, pm. By Ben Sales November 13, pm.]
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