The Impact Of Social Networking And Its -

The Impact Of Social Networking And Its - piece recommend

The prevalence of social media has had a huge impact on society in the area of how we tend to relate to each other and on what is considered to be normal in general. For this assignment, you will first conduct your own research on the effects of social media on societal norms Part 1 , then you will examine what has been found through previous research conducted by others Part 2. Compare and contrast the attitudes of two cohorts of people; one that consists of five people that rarely use social media and one cohort of five people that uses social media 2 or more hours a day. Create a list of five people that you know that use social media at least 2 or more hours per day. This group of people will make up your first cohort. Then create a list of five people that you know that either do not use social media or use it very rarely. Take into account age when creating the cohorts, and try to keep the ages as similar as possible between the cohorts. Keeping a certain level of consistency in the two cohorts will help to negate the potential effects of generational differences. Provide a brief description of each of the ten people you are going to interview divided into their respective cohorts. In other words, list the five people in the social media at least 2 or more hours a day, and provide a brief description of each along with why you chose them. The Impact Of Social Networking And Its The Impact Of Social Networking And Its

And while there are many benefits to it, including regular connection with friends and family, engaging with social media also has some negative effects.

The Impact Of Social Networking And Its

For many people, social media poses risks to their mental and emotional wellbeing. But, in particular, the information that you share on social media also creates a risk to your personal identity. By sharing too much, you increase the chance of your data falling into the wrong hands.

Ina survey found 8 out of 10 users had Neyworking about sharing their data with social media companies. And inthe dramatic story of Cambridge Analytica also came to light where more than 50 million Facebook users were exploited for the US presidential elections.

Why you should have concerns around data privacy

So, while awareness of the negative effects of social media is increasing, daily use of these sites continues to be high. The average time each person spends on social media is now almost 2. Fraudsters will find any way they can to track down your personal data. Sharing too much, such as your address, contact information, or date of birth can allow criminals to steal your identity. When they have it, they can pose as you to gain access to your bank account.

The Impact Of Social Networking And Its

Viruses and ransomware spread well over social media. If they believe these spam messages, they could infect their computers. This happens when research companies harvest information to sell to other companies. Recently, a Swedish software company was found to have an unsecured data bucket of more than 2 million users.

About the Author

Most of us have cookies installed on our devices. Despite the risks to your personal data, there are several ways you can reduce your vulnerability:. Now you understand the negative effects of social media better, do you feel more comfortable?

The Impact Of Social Networking And Its

Although you can take steps to limit your exposure to harm, you have a legal right to ask any company to confirm the data they hold on you. For Facebook users, there are a few ways you can do this:. You can send a written request for your data to any company.

Essay for my family for kids

And, if you want to lower your exposure to the negative effects of social media, send a free subject access request Facebook. Facebook offers a way to download a file of your personal information. While this may be quicker than a request, it may not reveal the full extent of data held on their files. By minimizing the targeted ads sent to you while you Nftworking Facebook, you can reduce the amount of information third-party companies hold on you.

Sharing personal information with social media sites will increase the risk of your data falling into the hands of criminals.]

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