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The Effects Of Maternal Behavior On Mother The Effects Of Maternal Behavior On Mother

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In the latter case, please turn on Javascript support in your web browser and reload this page. Free parent—infant interactions 3—5 min were coded using the CARE-Index, a video-based assessment scale that gives both dimensional e. With regards to ART dyads only, infants conceived through intracytoplasmic sperm injection scored significantly lower to the dimension compulsivity and higher to passivity, compared to infants conceived through in vitro fertilization. Yet, infants conceived at the Behwvior ART cycle had significantly lower levels of difficulty than infants conceived after one ART attempt. These results speak about the existence of important parent—infant interactive differences related to conception modality and ART technique and suggest the need to implement support programs to promote more sensitive parenting styles.

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The burden of infertility for couples has become a public health issue in many countries across the world. WHO reported that, inan estimated In Britain, Datta et al. Consequently, a high number of couples ask to undergo assisted reproductive techniques ARTin the hope to achieve the desired pregnancy and baby.

In some cases, especially to overcome male fertility problems, intracytoplasmic sperm injection ICSI is used: similar to IVF, this technique differs for the fact that it includes a direct injection of a single sperm into each egg to hopefully achieve fertilization. The scientific community is dedicating a lot of research efforts to investigate medical, biological, environmental, and psychosocial factors associated with both infertility and ART treatments outcomes.

The Effects Of Maternal Behavior On Mother

Within the psychological domain, attention has been paid to the transition to parenthood in ART couples, however, the investigation still seems at first stages [ 45 ]. The passage to parenthood is a moment of major life transition, involving relevant changes for both parents from a psychological, sociocultural, and biological The Effects Of Maternal Behavior On Mother [ 678 ]. This delicate period is characterized Behavir a certain degree of psychological stress that, according to several variables e. In the context of pregnancies achieved through ART, several findings underline how parental couples may be affected by high levels of psychophysical stress, deriving from multiple factors: go here burden of infertility, the duration and type of ART treatments among the first. Infertility related-stress may in fact persist during pregnancy, because of the cumulative negative effect of infertility and ART [ 4 ].

Original Research ARTICLE

Empirical evidence supports a Behzvior in ART mothers, compared to spontaneously conceiving women, to express more worries, more general and specific anxieties, higher depressive symptoms during the perinatal period [ 13141516171819 ]. Besides, some studies put in evidence that symptomatology is influenced by the individual history of ART cycles, as women who receive multiple unsuccessful ART treatments would express higher levels of symptomatology [ 202122 ].

The Effects Of Maternal Behavior On Mother

Hammarberg et al. This has been emphasized also by Ranjbar et al. In light of the The Effects Of Maternal Behavior On Mother analysis, it seems relevant to better understand whether the potential difficulties experienced by ART couples during the transition to parenthood may influence early parenting and therefore our attention has been oriented at investigating parent—infant interactions. Notwithstanding this and considering the stressors that ART parents have to face before giving birth to their baby, mother—infant interactions have been poorly investigated in the context of ART, compared to other psychological dimensions such as depression, anxiety, and parenting stress.

Besides, when the research has shown an interest toward the parent—infant relationship after ART pregnancies, studies focusing on the description of interactive behaviours by the use of observative tools have been very few. As Hammarberg et al. In a study by McMahon et al. In fact, ART infants showed to be fussier, especially for the this web page of women undergoing repeated ART cycles, while no differences emerged for maternal interactive behaviors.]

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