The Difference Between Dreams And Dreams In -

The Difference Between Dreams And Dreams In The Difference Between Dreams And Dreams In

Read More Symbol of achievement, success. A need to assess attitudes—possibly toward relationships, likely toward situations.

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Buildings source dreams can Ahd composite, and therefore confusing. In understanding the dream, we should interpret the main appearance of the building first, as its main function, and the secondary appearance as qualities to be recognised. Various buildings have distinct meanings: Boarding house or Hotel - also see individual entry in To dream of a boarding house or hotel indicates that we may not feci secure within our living conditions. Castle, Fortress, Citadel The symbolism of the castlc or fortress is that of the defended spacc and therefore can be taken to represent the feminine or the Great Mother.

Courtyard In dreams, the courtyard is a place of safety and often the shape will be relevant see Shapes. Church, temple etc.

The Difference Between Dreams And Dreams In

Although we may not consciously adhere to any particular religion, most of us have principles by which we live, which will surface in dreams in recognisable images. House If A On Clinical Trails are aware that the house is not empty - that there is something in it e. Someone else in the house suggests that the dreamer may be feeling threatened by an aspect The Difference Between Dreams And Dreams In his own personality. If there are different Betwwen going on it indicates there is a conflict between two parts of our personality, possibly the creative and the intellectual.

The front of the house portrays the front we show to the outside world. An impressive, awe-inspiring house In a dream like this we are conscious of the Self or the Soul. Moving to a larger house There is need for a change in our lives, perhaps to achieve a more open way of life, or even for more space. Being outside the house The Differece public side of ourselves is being depicted. A small house, or the house where the dreamer was born The dreamer is seeking security, or perhaps the safety of babyhood, without responsibility. If the smallness of the house is constricting We are being trapped by our responsibilities, and may need to escape.

Work on the house; cementing, repairing, etc. Relationships may need to be worked on or repaired, or perhaps we need to look at health matters. We may need to take note of the damage or decay that has occurred in our lives. Difderence - also see individual entry Because of its shape, the igloo stands for completeness and sanctuary. It is warm on the inside and cold on the outside and therefore signifies the difference between the internal and the external. Pyramid The pyramid is considered to be a focus for power, so for one to appear in a dream is to be concentrating on the power within. Any image of a tower is representing the personality, and the Soul within.

The Difference Between Dreams And Dreams In

While there are obvious connotations that conncct it with masculinity, it Differencr more corrcct to perceive it as the Self within a wider context. When thought of in this way attention can be paid to other attributes of the tower, such as where windows, doors and staircases are placed.

The Main Factor That Makes Your Dream So Difficult to Achieve

This leads to a greater understanding of the Spiritual Self. Warehouse The warehouse being primarily a storage place has the symbolism of being a repository either for spiritual energy or for spiritual rubbish. Components of buildings Balcony or ledge, sill, etc.

The Difference Between Dreams And Dreams In

We all have need for support within our lives and a balcony indicates both support and protec- tiveness. It can also represent the Mother in her protective aspect.]

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