The Development of the Automobile Industry and -

The Development of the Automobile Industry and - opinion

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Original title: acceleration of global intelligent automobile industry International Perspective Reporter Liu Lingling, Li Zhiwei, Zhang Yue, Shen Xiaoxiao Core reading Intelligent vehicle has become the strategic direction of global automobile industry development, Inrustry more and more countries pay attention to it. Many countries have issued industrial policies, laws and regulations, and strengthened efforts to support the development of intelligent vehicle technologies such as automatic driving and related industries. According to the forecast report of IDC global intelligent click vehicles recently released by International Develpment Corporation IDCthe compound annual growth rate The Development of the Automobile Industry and global intelligent vehicle shipment will reach Bythe annual global smart car shipment will reach about Since the beginning of this year, the epidemic has impacted the world economy, but the investment enthusiasm in the field of intelligent vehicle research and development has not decreased.

In June, Volkswagen completed an investment of 2. With the increase of investment in automatic driving, vehicle road coordination and related artificial intelligence technology, the development and application speed of intelligent vehicles will be further improved.

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At the beginning of this year, Cruise, the automatic driving subsidiary of general motors, released a Cruise Origin autopilot in San Francisco. It is about the same size as a traditional car, but it has more space because of the absence of cab and other structures. Relevant industrial policies have been issued one after another In the face of the new development trend of intelligent vehicles, countries have issued laws and regulations and industrial policies to support the research and development and application of innovative technology of relevant enterprises, and znd and regulate the relevant safety legal issues. Inthe European Commission formulated the first programmatic document to coordinate the deployment of the smart car industry in Member States.

The Development of the Automobile Industry and

In Maythe The Development of the Automobile Industry and Commission released the road to automated travel: the future travel strategy of the EU, proposing to fully enter the autonomous society by The French government has approved to allow driverless cars to run on public roads between and It established the core technical principles of self driving vehicles, that is, to protect users and groups, to promote effective operation of the market, and to coordinate the work of all parties. In order to promote industrial integration and accelerate the development of intelligent vehicles, the State Council of Click Korea recently deliberated and passed a proposal. Industrial integration is the future development direction The analysis shows that the future development of intelligent vehicles will present more fields of cross and integration, and industrial integration and collaborative innovation are the key to the sustainable development of intelligent vehicles in the future.

The Development of the Automobile Industry and

Eric mark juitma, Secretary General of the European Automobile Industry Association, believes that a complete set of intelligent vehicle system needs the cooperation of artificial intelligence technology, chip calculus, new perception technology and other fields. Therefore, with the gradual scale and commercialization of intelligent vehicles, related abd will also usher in development opportunities. From the perspective of infrastructure, smart vehicles are mainly applied by sensors, controllers, actuators and human-computer interaction, and different functions correspond to the corresponding industrial chain. For example, intelligent hardware such The Development of the Automobile Industry and lidar, high-precision map, algorithm and other core software, which are closely related to automatic driving, will become the investment hotspot of intelligent automobile industry chain.

The demand for high-speed information processing capacity and intelligent road will drive a new round of infrastructure investment, including 5g network innovation and development.

What Is a Connected Car?

According to experts, the future smart car will not only become the core hub of intelligent transportation, but also change the whole pattern of smart energy network by promoting the coordinated development of related industries, such as the automatic valet parking business, the construction of intelligent lanes supporting automatic driving, and the innovation and development of fully intelligent urban traffic dispatching system.

The article of Le Monde points out that with the increasingly rich application scenarios of automatic driving, intelligent vehicles will become an important part of new urban infrastructure construction and smart city. However, the development of intelligent vehicles is still facing many challenges, including low technology maturity, unclear legal norms, and prominent safety issues.]

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