The Cultural Values Of The Brazilian Culture -

The Cultural Values Of The Brazilian Culture

The Cultural Values Of The Brazilian Culture Video

Insights of Brazilian values - How creativity can help a culture - WAHE The Cultural Values Of The Brazilian Culture.

The culture of Brazil is primarily Western and is derived from Portuguese culture[1] but presents a very diverse nature showing that an ethnic and cultural mixing occurred in the colonial period involving mostly Indigenous people of the coastal and most accessible riverine areas, Braziliah people and African people.

As consequence of three centuries of colonization by the Portuguese empirethe core of Brazilian culture is derived from the culture of Portugal. The numerous Portuguese inheritances include the languagecuisine items such as rice and beans and more infothe predominant religion and the colonial architectural styles.

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This diverse cultural background has helped show off many celebrations and festivals that have become known around the world, such as the Brazilian Carnival and the Bumba Meu Boi. The colourful culture creates an environment that makes Brazil a popular destination for many tourists each year, around over 1 million. Brazil was a colony of Portugal for over three centuries.

The Cultural Values Of The Brazilian Culture

About a million Portuguese settlers arrived during this period [8] and brought their culture to the colony. The Indigenous inhabitants of Brazil had much contact with the colonists. Many became extinct, others mixed with the Portuguese.

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For that reason, Brasil also holds Amerindian influences in its culture, mainly in its food and language. Brazilian Portuguese has hundreds of words of Indigenous American origin, mainly from the Old Tupi language. Black Africanswho were brought as slaves to Brazil, also participated actively in the formation of Brazilian culture.

Although the Portuguese colonists forced their slaves to convert to Catholicism and speak Portuguese their cultural continue reading were absorbed by the inhabitants of Brazil of all races and origins. Some regions of Brazil, especially Bahiahave particularly notable African inheritances in music, cuisine, dance and language.

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They organized communities that became important cities such as JoinvilleCaxias do SulBlumenauCuritiba and brought important contributions to the culture of Brazil. The official language of Brazil is Portuguese. Similarly to American English and Canadian French, Brazilian Portuguese is more phonetically conservative or archaic than the language of the colonizing metropolis, maintaining several features that European. Portuguese had before the 19th century.

Minority languages are spoken throughout the nation. One hundred and eighty Amerindian languages are spoken in remote areas and a number of other languages are spoken by immigrants and their descendants.

The Cultural Values Of The Brazilian Culture

The Brazilian Sign Language not signed Portuguese — it likely is descended from the French Sign Languageknown by the acronym LIBRASis officially recognized by law, albeit using it alone would convey a very limited degree of accessibility, throughout the country. Catholicism was introduced and spread largely by the Portuguese Jesuitswho arrived in during the colonization with the mission of converting the Indigenous people.

The Cultural Values Of The Brazilian Culture

The Society of Jesus played a large role in the formation of Brazilian religious identity until their expulsion of the country by the Marquis of Pombal in the 18th century. In recent decades Brazilian society has witnessed a rise in Protestantism.]

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