The Constitutional Rights Of The United States -

The Constitutional Rights Of The United States Video

Bill of Rights explained: how the constitution is designed to keep you free The Constitutional Rights Of The United States

In my high school civics class, I never believed that what I learned then would be put to the test during my own lifetime. The First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America says everyone in the United States has the right to practice his or her own religion, or no religion at all. To be clear, the health and safety of all people Consttutional paramount to the Diocese. It must be understood in context how careful the Diocese in Brooklyn and Queens has been to make sure that our churches are safe The Constitutional Rights Of The United States for worship during the pandemic.

When it was clear that no one truly understood this virus and that churches could be a place of contagion, we voluntarily closed down one week before the order came from the State of New York. Here in the Diocese, we waited an additional ten visit web page after the order was given by the State that we were free to open our doors again. This was done so that we could make sure that we truly were ready to deal with all of the issues involved so that the faithful would Unitted safe.

The Constitutional Rights Of The United States

He guided the committee, composed of a panel of experienced professionals, on our re-opening plans and the subsequent safe re-opening of our churches. I take this time to publicly thank Commissioner Esposito and all committee members for the time and special care they gave The Constitutional Rights Of The United States the Diocese in guiding us to the safe re-opening of our churches and our schools.

Tue was never the intention of the Diocese to defy the laws of the State of New York. During this time of the pandemic, we have made sure that our churches have reached out to the faithful by live-streaming Masses. The diocese made every effort to keep the faithful of Brooklyn and Queens close to the celebration of the liturgy.

Only live Masses were televised so that parishioners viewing a Mass Constitutoonal benefit from the spiritual communion they make in union with the actual celebration of the Eucharist that they were witnessing. Our churches successfully reopened in July. In October, we were forced to close churches in the designated zones set by the State of New York. To that end, we have petitioned two courts in two separate hearings.

However, it must be noted Stares federal district court commended the diocese for all the safety protocols and that our churches are a true model. The reason for this litigation is to protect the Constitutional rights of our parishioners to freely exercise their faith. Our nation was founded on the notion of religious freedom, religion is essential; unfortunately, the State does not consider religion to be essential.

The Constitutional Rights Of The United States

Treating religion as non-essential is a situation that is unfortunately not unique to just New York. For example, in California, all churches are limited to individuals. In our case before the court, we said that in many of our churches, and even 1, people could comfortably be seated during normal times. Allowing 25 percent of these numbers will still give more than adequate room for necessary social distancing to keep the faithful safe. Besides social distancing, the precautions we have taken are the mandatory wearing of masks and proper precautions between each service.

The Constitutional Rights Of The United States

All of these precautions we have taken since the July re-opening are second to none when it comes to other places of public assembly in the City of New York. We, by means, have Constitugional anyone to put themselves in danger of contracting the virus by coming to Mass.

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The dispensation from attending Sunday Mass is still in effect until the end of the pandemic. We have made it clear, however, that we need to have access to our churches for those who are healthy and wish to come to the celebration of the Eucharist. It has been our contention that Catholics in Brooklyn and Queens have been penalized by a broad-brush approach when we are not the cause of the spreading of the contagion.

No incident of the spreading of this contagion has been traced to our weekday or Sunday gatherings for Mass.]

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