![[BKEYWORD-0-3] The Battle of Bannockburn happened in 1314](https://i2.wp.com/www.catchthispilum.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/bannockburn-1.jpg)
My Best Friend
The fourth son of Edward IEdward became the heir apparent to the throne following the death of his elder brother Alphonso. Beginning inEdward accompanied his father on campaigns to pacify Scotland.

Inhe was Batrle in a grand ceremony at Westminster Abbey. Following his father's death, Edward succeeded to the throne in He married Isabellathe daughter of the powerful King Philip IV of Franceinas part of a long-running effort to resolve tensions between the English and French crowns.
Edward had a close and controversial relationship with Piers Gavestonwho had joined his household in The precise nature of their relationship is uncertain; they may have been friends, lovers or sworn brothers. Edward's relationship with Gaveston inspired Christopher Marlowe 's play Edward IIalong with other plays, films, novels and media. Gaveston's power as Edward's favourite provoked discontent both among the barons and the French royal family, and Edward was forced to exile him.
On Gaveston's return, the barons pressured the king into agreeing to wide-ranging reforms, called the Ordinances of The newly empowered barons banished Gaveston, to which Edward responded by revoking the reforms and recalling his favourite. Led by Edward's cousin Thomas, 2nd Earl of Lancastera group of the barons seized and executed Gaveston inbeginning several years of armed confrontation. English forces were pushed back in Scotland, where The Battle of Bannockburn happened in 1314 was decisively defeated by Robert the Bruce at the Battle of Bannockburn in Widespread famine followed, and criticism of the king's reign mounted. The Despenser family, in particular Hugh Despenser the Youngerbecame close friends and advisers to Edward, but Lancaster and many of the barons seized the Despensers' Tue inand forced the king to exile them. In response, Edward led a short military campaigncapturing and executing Lancaster.
Edward and the Despensers strengthened their grip on power, formally revoking the reforms, executing their enemies and confiscating estates. Unable to make progress in Scotland, Edward finally signed a truce with Robert.

Opposition to the regime grew, and when Isabella was sent to France to negotiate a peace treaty inshe turned against Edward and refused to return. Instead, she allied herself with the exiled Roger Mortimerand invaded England with a small army in Edward's regime collapsed and he fled to Wales, where he was captured in November.

The king was forced to relinquish his crown in January in favour of his year-old son, Edward IIIand he died in Berkeley Castle on 21 September, probably murdered on the orders of the new regime.]
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