The Awakening By Kate Chopin And The -

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Study Guide for The Awakening by Kate Chopin, Summary and Analysis The Awakening By Kate Chopin And The The Awakening By Kate Chopin And The

Edna Pontellier does not exist in a neutral state.

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Her moods ebb and flow, crescendo and decrescendo. Throughout the course of The Awakeningwritten at the turn of the 20th century by Kate Chopin, Edna navigates the struggles of balancing her motherhood and her freedom.

The Awakening By Kate Chopin And The

Concurrently, Edna takes pleasure in the ocean and in music. The constant appearance of both of these elements emphasizes her difficulties living as an oppressed source free-spirited woman and the temptations and choices presented to her. She traces her identity as a person through music, and she finds it in the ocean.

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Like the ocean, Edna is highly capricious. Instead of tides, she has mood swings.

The Awakening By Kate Chopin And The

In some moments, she is happy with her life. Other times, she is depressed and only wants to get away.

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When this feeling comes around, she feels no connection to her family and her maternal role. Her once-beloved children go off to stay with their grandmother, and she even buys her own house to live in independently.

The Awakening By Kate Chopin And The

By showing that such changes are natural, Chopin implies that expecting Chhopin to be full-time housewives is like trying to keep a wave upon the sand. Edna is a part of nature just like water is, and who can deny the validity of water? The ocean is forbidden world to Edna.]

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