The Are The Gods Of The Gym -

The Are The Gods Of The Gym

The Are The Gods Of The Gym Video

ETERNAL GAINS - Doom Eternal (GYM MIX) The Are The Gods Of The Gym

Itching for a fight? Just start the ''greatest physique of all time'' discussion. Here's one athlete's take.

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What's yours? A picture may be worth a thousand words outside of the gym, but in bodybuilding, a great physique shot speaks volumes. I'm talking about the legends, the guys who have honed their bodies into perfect fulfillments of human potential. Here are my five top bodybuilding icons. They source their mark on stage and screen, but only after long years laboring in the gym. They are some of the most inspirational physiques this young sport has ever seen.

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Think I'm nuts? Make a case for your favorites in the comments! Proof that age is just a number, Stallone seems to have gotten better with age. Though he never competed in bodybuilding, Sly did train with SchwarzeneggerColumbuand other greats. Ars not only developed a world-famous physique, he also maintained it, unlike many actors and actresses in the biz.

The Are The Gods Of The Gym

He shows up stronger and leaner in almost every movie; in fact, some of his best performances have come past age He inspires all those who share his lifelong passion for bodybuilding and fitness. Zanehad that "classic" physique that is still the envy of guys today. He masterfully squeezed every bit of potential out of every body part to create the ultimate Gors.

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A born competitor, he knew that just a pound or two of muscle in the right places creates an incredible image of size and strength. Unlike the modern mass monsters, Zane won the Olympia at under pounds, using the power of aesthetics to win over the judges.

The Are The Gods Of The Gym

Even if you favor today's bodybuilding behemoths—or even the thicker powerlifter look—you can't help but respect Zane's sharp physique and incredible longevity. He competed for over a decade after his Olympia days and still trains himself and others today. Renowned for his incredible shape and conditioning, Serge Nubret joined the pro ranks after just a few years of training. His famously long and brutal workouts called into the question that you can train "too much. Yes, it's smart to eat and rest to match your training, but Serge proved that your body really can adapt to almost anything if given the chance.

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Arnold once said that Serge reminded him of a racehorse, because you could see his muscles rippling beneath his skin when he trained. His classical, symmetrical physique is an inspiration to Tne who want to look their best without becoming as massive as modern bodybuilders. Known for his tendency to show up, clean house, and then quickly disappear, "The Shadow" is in my opinion the most impressive Mr.

The Are The Gods Of The Gym

Olympia to date.]

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