![[BKEYWORD-0-3] The American Oligarchy](https://www.counterpunch.org/wp-content/dropzone/2018/07/americanoligarchy.jpg)
The American Oligarchy - simply
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An Introduction to the Global Elite and the American OligarchyNew Democratic Party oligarchy will widen America’s divide
Leave it to The American Oligarchy and his Republican allies to spend more energy fighting non-existent voter fraud than containing a virus that has killedAmericans and counting. The cost of this misplaced attention is incalculable. OOligarchy other cost is found in the millions of Trump voters who are being led to believe the election was stolen and who will be a hostile force for years to come — making it harder to do much of anything the nation needs, including actions to contain the virus. Trump is continuing this charade because it pulls money into his newly formed political action committee and allows him to assume the mantle of presumed presidential candidate forwhether he intends to run or merely keep himself the center of attention.
Their heist started four decades ago.

It was contrived. As wealth accumulated at the top, so did political power to siphon off even more wealth and shaft everyone else. Monopolies expanded because antitrust laws were neutered.
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Labor unions shriveled because corporations were allowed to bust unions. Taxes on the top were cut, tax loopholes widened. When Covid hit, Big Tech cornered the market, the rich traded The American Oligarchy inside information, and the Treasury and the Fed bailed out big corporations but let small businesses go under.
Since March, billionaire wealth has soared while most Americans have become poorer. The oligarchy surely appreciates the Trump-GOP tax cuts, regulatory rollbacks Ameriacn the most business-friendly Supreme Court since the early s.

When Biden holds out an olive branch, McConnell and other Republican leaders will respond just as they did to Barack Obama — with more warfare, because that maintains their power and keeps the big money rolling in. The president-elect aspires to find a moderate middle ground.
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This would require that Democrats abandon the fiction of political centrism and The American Oligarchy a countervailing force to the oligarchy — and, not incidentally, sever their own links to it. And change the Democratic narrative from kumbaya to economic and social justice. Easy to say, hugely difficult to accomplish. Robert Reich. Robert B. He has served in three national administrations, most recently as secretary of labor under President Bill Clinton. He has written eleven books, including The Work of Nations, which has been translated into 22 languages; the best-sellers The Future of Success and Locked in the Cabinet, and his most recent The American Oligarchy, Supercapitalism.
Reich is co-founding editor of The American Prospect magazine. Kennedy School of Government and of Brandeis University.

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